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Permit Review Guide

Commercial Building Permit Review Procedure

How to Receive This Service

Please see Building Permit – Commercial for more information.

Turnaround Goals

Permit turnaround goals are based on submittal of complete and accurate plans.

New Buildings: 30 working days
Tents and other temporary structures: 10 working days
Renovations and Additions: 10 working days
Demolitions: Dependent on the verification of disconnection of all utilities (water, sewer, electrical, phone, gas, cable TV)

Who to call for assistance

Permit Technicians handle all general questions such as permit fees, permit issuing and permit application tracking.  If you need help with plans, the Permit Tech will transfer you to the Plan Reviewer who can best assist you.

Permit Technicians (804) 501-4360

Other department contacts:
Planning and Zoning (804) 501-4602
Public Works (804) 501-4393
Public Utilities (804) 501-4517
Health Department (804) 501-4530

Contact Us

Building Inspections

Physical Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4360
Automated Permit System
(804) 501-7770

Mailing Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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