In accordance with State Law, the Department of Building Construction and Inspections requirements of Third-Party Inspectors and procedures are as follows:
- Third Party Inspectors must be either a Virginia Registered Design Professional (RDP – Architect or Engineer) or be performing under the direct supervision of an RDP. The qualifications of individuals performing under the supervision of an RDP shall be the responsibility of the RDP.
- Third Party Inspectors must be pre-approved in all cases except when a Henrico County inspector has not performed an inspection within two full working days of an inspection request.
- The RDP must submit a pre-approval request by calling our office at 804-501-4360 or the Henrico County inspector assigned to the project. The RDP is not authorized to perform an inspection until approval is granted.
- Once approved, inspection reports must be submitted in .pdf format via the Build Henrico Portal.
- Inspection reports are required to indicate the date and time of the inspection, the permit number, the work that was being inspected, confirmation that the County approved plans were used during the inspection and that the work conforms to the approved plans and the provisions of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VUSBC). The report must be written on the company letterhead and shall bear the seal and signature of the registered design professional.
- Inspections performed under the direct supervision of an RDP shall bear the name and signature of the inspector in addition to the seal and signature of the RDP.
Failure to comply with the instructions listed will result in rejection of the inspection report by Henrico County. Henrico County will disqualify the approved inspection agency, the registered design professional, and/or the qualified inspector for falsifying any information required by the inspection report.
For Footing Inspections only
- Footing Inspection Report Forms will only be distributed to approved inspection agencies that have completed an orientation program delivered by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections.
- Forms may be obtained by contacting Linda Brown at [email protected] or 804-501-4374.
- Each form is sequentially numbered to facilitate record keeping and are distributed in bundles of 25.
- All applicable portions of the sealed and signed footing inspection report form shall be completed in type or legible print. Any parts of the form that do not apply shall be marked “NA” or “Not Applicable”. Incomplete reports will be rejected.
- The County approved plans and soils report (if one was required to obtain the building permit) shall be made available to the qualified inspector.
- Completed forms must be in .pdf format and uploaded via the Build Henrico Portal.
Failure to comply with the instructions listed will result in rejection of the inspection report by Henrico County. Henrico County will disqualify the approved inspection agency, the registered design professional, and/or the qualified inspector for falsifying any information required by the inspection report.
For Sound Transmission Classification (STC) and Firewall Inspections only:
The VUSBC requires framing and insulation inspections for STC/Firewalls that separate attached dwelling units be performed prior to installing any concealing materials.
- The RDP inspection reports are required to indicate the date and time of the inspection, the permit number, the materials used to construct the firewall (e.g. studs, insulation, fasteners, etc.), the method of construction applicable to the specific design, confirmation that the County approved plans were used during the inspection and that the work conforms to the plans and the provisions of the VUSBC. The report must be written on the company letterhead and shall bear the seal and signature of the registered design professional.
- A Residential Building Inspector or a Plan Reviewer may visit the site to audit the inspection. Fire-rated and STC floor-ceiling assemblies located between dwelling units will continue to be inspected during routine framing and insulation inspections for each respective dwelling unit.
- Inspection reports must be in .pdf format and submitted via the Build Henrico Portal.
- The RDP and contractor will be notified if the inspection report is rejected.
- STC/Firewalls completed prior to obtaining the Firewall Framing and Firewall Insulation inspections shall be subject to a field sound transmission test conducted in accordance with ASTM E336. The test shall be conducted by, or under the supervision of, a Virginia RDP. The test results shall confirm compliance with the STC rating specified in the County approved plans and the Plan of Development/Subdivision approval. The field test report shall be submitted to the Building Inspections Supervisor and must be approved prior to obtaining a final building inspection for either of the dwelling units served by the firewall/STC and prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.
Failure to comply with the instructions listed will result in rejection of the inspection report by Henrico County. Henrico County will disqualify the approved inspection agency, the registered design professional, and/or the qualified inspector for falsifying any information required by the inspection report.
If you have questions or need additional information, please call our office at 804-501-4360 or go to Help with Build Henrico.