What is the Henrico Ambassador Program for Seniors (HAPS)?
The new HAPS program will serve as an opportunity for older Henrico residents to become ambassadors for their communities.
HAPS Ambassadors will:
(1) Attend Monthly Meetings.
(2) Learn about available resources in the Henrico Community.
(3) Distribute information on resources and services to other community members.
(4) Give feedback on aging services in Henrico County.
Who can serve as an Ambassador?
Henrico County Residents aged 60 and older.
When will HAPS Meetings occur?
The third Wednesday of each month from 10am – 11am.
Where will HAPS Ambassadors meet?
Meetings will rotate between each of the area libraries every month. The first meeting will be October 20th at Libbie Mill Library!
To Volunteer to Become an Ambassador in Your Community Please Contact:
Emily Atkinson, MPH, CHES
Advocate for the Aging
[email protected]