The Henrico County Department of Public Works will hold a public information meeting Tuesday, May 16 on projects to improve safety and mobility on Hilliard Road as well as to construct the southern portion of the Fall Line Trail.
The meeting will be held from 5-6:30 p.m. at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, 1800 Lakeside Ave. Participants will be able to review plans and schematics as well as ask questions and comment on the projects.
The Hilliard Road Safety & Mobility Improvements project proposes to reduce the number of vehicular travel lanes on Hilliard Road between Brook Road and Lakeside Avenue to provide buffered bike lanes on both sides of the road. Details:
The Fall Line Trail is a 43-mile, paved, multiuse trail being constructed between Petersburg to Ashland. The trail’s southern section in Henrico consists of five phases that will extend from the intersection of Bryan Park Avenue and Lakeside Avenue to the intersection of Lakeside Avenue and Brook Road. Details: