Henrico Police is offering three collection sites this year for the DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, October 23, 2021, 10 a.m-2 p.m.
Henrico Training Center
7701 E. Parham Road
Fairfield Area Library
1401 N. Laburnum Avenue
12200 Wegmans Blvd, Henrico, VA 23233
All safety guidelines should be followed due to COVID-19. Visitors should be prepared to wear face coverings and maintain social distancing. IT’S SAFE. IT’S FREE. IT’S ANONYMOUS. **NO NEEDLES OR SHARPS ACCEPTED**
Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands, leading to accidental poisoning, overdose and abuse. Think you can just flush or throw prescription drugs in the trash?
- Drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or even illegally sold.
- Drugs that are flushed contaminate our water supply.
- Please use this Prescription Drug Take Back day as an opportunity to clean out your medicine cabinet and turn in your unused or expired prescription medications.
Did You Know?
- The non-medical use of prescription drugs ranks second only to marijuana as the most common form of drug abuse in America.
- The majority of teenagers abusing prescription drugs get them from family and friends … and the home medicine cabinet.
- Pharmaceutical drugs can be just as dangerous as street drugs when taken without a prescription or a doctor’s supervision.
Tell your friends and loved ones to bring their unused or expired prescriptions. Visit DEAtakeback.com for more information and resources.