Child day care in Virginia can be provided by licensed providers, providers who are exempt from licensure due to religious sponsorship, voluntarily registered providers and unregulated providers. To obtain listings of regulated providers, contact the Division of Licensing, Central Regional Office, at 662-9743 or Henrico Social Services Intake at 501-4001. To search on line for a licensed child care center in your area, you can go to and and search for a Licensed child day center.
The child day care assistance program at Henrico Department of Social Services provides day care subsidies and assistance with locating day care services to Henrico County residents who meet income and employment or education guidelines. The program also promotes efforts to enhance the quality of day care services for all county residents. There are several types of day care services offered by Henrico Social Services:
FEE BASED DAY CARE – The family pays 10% of their gross monthly income toward the cost of care.
(There is often a waiting list for HDSS Fee-based Day Care due to funding.)
TANF/VIEW DAY CARE – Day care assistance available to TANF recipients who are employed and/or enrolled in an approved education or training program.
TRANSITIONAL DAY CARE – Provides an additional 12 months of child care assistance after TANF benefits end for income eligible families. The family pays 10% of their gross monthly income toward the cost of care.
HEAD START DAY CARE – Wrap around child day care assistance offered to income eligible Henrico Head Start families. The family may pay 10% of their gross monthly income toward the cost of care.
County residents must provide verification of all household income and or school enrollment in order to be screened for eligibility. To receive a screening form, please call 501-4001. If your household is at or below the guidelines listed below, you may be eligible for day care assistance:
Maximum Gross Monthly Income Level
Effective 6/1/2000 – 5/31/2002
Number of Household Members | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Fee |
Gross Monthly Income | $1,146 | $1,549 | $1,950 | $2,354 | $2,757 | $3,158 | $3,562 | $3,965 | 10% |
Frequently Asked Day Care Questions:
Q: How long will it take to get day care services for my child?
A: Customers who meet eligibility criteria will meet with a social worker to determine the type of day care needed and to review program requirements. Eligible families should receive services within 45 days of the date of application, unless they must be placed on the waiting list for the fee-based program.
Q: Can my child, who is a high school student, get day care for her/his child?
A: The same eligibility criteria apply to minor parents. The income of the minor’s parent(s) must be considered.
Q: I have been on the Day Care Waiting List. How long will it be before I get Day Care assistance?
A: Funding for Fee-Based Day Care is limited. Service can be provided only if sufficient funds are available. No specific time frame can be provided for waiting list families.
Q: Will a day care provider be assigned for my family?
A: No. Parents may use any legally operating provider of their choice, although services must be coordinated through the family’s day care social worker.