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Screenings for Children


  1. There may be more appropriate waivers for children. Every effort should be made to get on the waiting list for these services. You may call the Access Unit – Henrico Behavioral Health at (804) 727-8515 to get on the waiting list.  The two waivers are:
    1. ID – Intellectual Disability (formerly MR)
    2. DD – Developmental Disabilities for those age 6 and over who do not have ID.
  2. The Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction (EDCD) waiver is for elderly and disabled adults who have a medical need and are at risk of institutionalization. In order to be eligible for this waiver a child must meet the same criteria that adults must meet in order to qualify. Those criteria would include having a medical nursing need that requires the assistance of a professional to ensure medical stability and be at risk of institutionalization if this need is not met.  “At risk” is defined as needing services within 30 days or less.
  3. The screening team will do an assessment if the child might qualify. These screenings are done in order of priority so it may take several weeks for it to be scheduled. The screening process looks at the entire situation but requires a medical need for service approval.
  4. EDCD is a Medicaid waiver and Medicaid application must be made in order to receive services. As a federally funded program, Medicaid guidelines must be met.

Contact Us


Henrico Health Dept. West Clinic
8600 Dixon Powers Dr.
Henrico, VA 23228

Henrico Health Dept. East Clinic
1400 N. Laburnum Ave.
Richmond, VA 23223

Contact Center
(804) 205-3501
West End Main
(804) 501-4522
West End Clinic
(804) 501-4651
East End Clinic
(804) 652-3190

Shrader Rd WIC
(804) 501-1610
East End WIC
(804) 652-3180

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


Shrader Road WIC
7740 Shrader Rd, Suite B
Henrico, VA 23228

Additional Contact Info

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