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Population Health

The Henrico County Health Department works with a wide range of community partners that focus on promoting and improving the health of residents in our community.  Our Population Health team works to understand the issues that impact health in Henrico and seeks better health through active participation of local residents and partners.  In addition, Population Health facilitates a Community Health Worker Volunteer Network to extend reach into communities to improve health.

Community Health Assessment and Improvement Planning


The Community Health Assessment in Henrico was developed using the National Association of County and City Health Officials’ Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) framework.  MAPP helps communities improve health and quality of life through strategic planning that spans the community and is driven by its residents.  This assessment was made possible through the collaboration of many people, organizations, and entities that have an interest in improving the health of Henrico County residents.

As a member of our community, your feedback is very important to us.  Please take a moment to let us know your thoughts on the assessments posted on this page.  Please e-mail [email protected].

2017 Community Health Reports

Our plan for action will be under development in spring of 2018. To get involved contact [email protected].

This work cannot be done alone.  The assessment process involved over 50 agencies from government, academic, and nonprofit sectors, as well as community residents.  We are grateful for the involvement of our partners and look forward to continued collaboration to improve the health of our county.


This data portal was developed to provide a convenient access point for health-related data for Virginia. This portal is a comprehensive source for community health assessment, public, and population health data. Each data portal page provides interactive data at the most granular level available. If you have any questions or data requests please contact: [email protected].

How to Improve Health

The following resources provide communities with information to help select and implement the best approach to impact health.

Volunteer with Population Health

The Population Health team works closely with Henrico Medical Reserve Corps volunteers, who assist with public health outreach, health education, and resource navigation.  To learn more about MRC volunteer opportunities.

Community Health Worker Network

The Henrico Community Health Worker (CHW) Network provides opportunities for dedicated Henrico community members to create a healthier Henrico by engaging with chronic disease prevention and control efforts.  Volunteers with the CHW Network participate in public health outreach, health education, and resource navigation.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact


Contact Us


Henrico Health Dept. West Clinic
8600 Dixon Powers Dr.
Henrico, VA 23228

Henrico Health Dept. East Clinic
1400 N. Laburnum Ave.
Richmond, VA 23223

Contact Center
(804) 205-3501
West End Main
(804) 501-4522
West End Clinic
(804) 501-4651
East End Clinic
(804) 652-3190

Shrader Rd WIC
(804) 501-1610
East End WIC
(804) 652-3180

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


Shrader Road WIC
7740 Shrader Rd, Suite B
Henrico, VA 23228

Additional Contact Info

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