Henrico changes web address to henrico.us

Henrico County has a new, simpler Internet address at henrico.us.

The switchover took effect June 12 and applies to web pages and the email addresses of general government departments and employees.

Residents, businesses and others who interact with departments and employees are encouraged to update their bookmarks, contacts and other links.

The henrico.us address replaces www.co.henrico.va.us and provides a basis for the web pages of departments and agencies. For example, information about the Division of Police is available at henrico.us/police.

Henrico.us works with or without the www. prefix that is used in many web addresses.

Similarly, the email addresses of departments and employees now end with @henrico.us instead of @co.henrico.va.us.

All old website links and email addresses should continue to work, but the changeover could temporarily disrupt search functions while the website is indexed under the new address.

If you have questions about the changes, call (804) 501-4357 or go to henrico.us/contact-us.

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