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Tuckahoe Supervisor Patricia O’Bannon reappointed to NACo committees

Tuckahoe District Supervisor Patricia S. O’Bannon has been reappointed to various committees and boards of the National Association of Counties (NACo).

O’Bannon will serve as a vice chair of the International Economic Development Task Force and as a member of the Healthy Counties Initiative Advisory Board, Information Technology Standing Committee, Large Urban County Caucus Steering Committee and Resilient Counties Advisory Board.

The appointments by NACo President Gary W. Moore mean Henrico County will continue to provide leadership on behalf of the nation’s counties. O’Bannon has played an active role with NACo and the Virginia Association of Counties since joining the Board of Supervisors in 1996.

Founded in 1935, NACo serves nearly 40,000 elected county officials and 3.6 million county employees across the country. The nonprofit organization advocates for county priorities in federal policymaking, promotes exemplary county policies and practices, works to nurture leadership skills and expand knowledge networks, optimizes county and taxpayer resources and cost savings, and enriches public understanding of county government.

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