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Department of Public Utilities

Medal of Honor RecipientsWhen the water stopped flowing at a Henrico family’s home, Department of Public Utilities workers sprang into action. Crews received the family’s phone call for help on a Sunday afternoon and immediately went to the home to investigate the issue.

Workers discovered a broken, underground water service line on the homeowner’s property. Although the damage was in the customer-maintained portion of the line, the crew repaired the break and restored service.

“This crew went out on a Sunday and made a repair that, honestly, was the homeowner’s responsibility,” said County Manager John Vithoulkas. “They were there for one thing, to help a Henrico resident. This is how we serve our community. This is the Henrico Way.”

At the Nov. 9 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, members of the DPU crew were recognized for their outstanding efforts and inducted into the Henrico County Manager’s Circle of Excellence in Public Service.

“These employees have put others first and have served beyond expectations,” Vithoulkas added. “This story embodies the heart of public service.”

Listed below are the individuals recognized for their outstanding actions:

Jamel Caldwell
Anthony Durham
Landen Evans
Keith Gordon
Nate Hinkle
Antonio James
James McComb
Kevin Robertson
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