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LGBTQIA2s+ Pride

Henrico Celebrates June as LGBTQIA2s+ Pride Month


June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Transgender [/Gender Expansive, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and two-spirit] (LGBTQIA2s+) Pride Month. This celebrates how Americans who identify as LGBTQ[IA2s+ have strengthened our country by using their talent and creativity to promote goodwill and greater awareness/understanding of marginalized individuals. The first Pride March was held June 28, 1970, in New York City, on the first anniversary of a riot that was triggered by a police raid of a gay nightclub. The riot became known as the Stonewall Uprising and was viewed as a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. 

Initially, the last Sunday of June was usually celebrated as “Gay Pride Day.” Over time, celebrations spread to cities across the nation and began to encompass a series of events that latest throughout the month. 

Library of Congress. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride

Community + People

Visible: Behavioral Health Equity in Henrico – Playlist (9)

Members of the local LGBTQIA2s+ community discuss the addition of identities to the traditional acronym to foster community through inclusivity. For more information, contact: Kara Williams at [email protected] or Jacquelyn Smith-White at [email protected].

Foster Parenting in Henrico: An Inclusive Effort

A particular sexual orientation or gender identity is not a prerequisite for becoming a foster parent in Henrico County — just a big heart. Henrico Social Services is looking for families who can provide a loving and affirming home for young people in the county’s foster care program.

Engagement + Resources

By all estimates, there were three to five thousand marchers at the inaugural Pride in New York City, and today marchers in New York City number in the millions. Since 1970, LGBTQIA2s+ people have continued to gather together in June to march with Pride and demonstrate for equal rights.

Henrico County Police Division Intercultural Liaison Partnership

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The Henrico Police Intercultural Liaison Partnership (ILP) is designed to strengthen relationships between police and Henrico County’s culturally-diverse communities. Our goal is to build trust within these communities by learning from one another and breaking down barriers. We want to ensure every member of every community knows Henrico Police is here to support them and promote their safety. Learn more at

Queer RVA Past & Future Gallery

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