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Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors, 10 am Tuesday, to review reports on the county’s response to regional water crisis

To watch livestreaming, visit henrico.gov/supervisors/video-of-meetings/

HCTV Programs

Henrico County Television (HCTV) programming is available through Comcast’s Video On Demand service. To access HCTV programs, select the “Get Local” folder, followed by “Government,” and finally “Access Henrico.” Video On Demand allows our Comcast cable subscribers to choose which HCTV program they want to watch and when they want to watch it. Approximately 25 programs are available at one time. We change the program line-up monthly.

You may also request a DVD of an HCTV program by calling Public Relations at 501-4257.

According to Plan: New Home Inspections in Henrico County
Despite the gloomy news about the housing market, new homes are still being built in Henrico County. Henrico's team of building inspectors make more than thirty visits to each new house to make sure that projects go according to plan. Join HCTV as we get an insider's look at how thorough our inspectors are and how we're all better off for having these building code enforcers.
Henrico Departments & Services
201122 minutes
Active and Engaged: Programs for Henrico's Older Adults
The number of older residents is rising sharply across the United States, as baby boomers have grayed and begun to reach retirement age. By 2030 Henrico County will have nearly 70,000 residents 65 or older. The senior lifestyle is vastly different from what it used to be. These older residents are active and engaged, and Henrico offers a wide range of programs for them.
Community & Social IssuesRecreation
201811 minutes
Active Shooter: What Would You Do?
Decades ago, none of us had ever heard the term "active shooter." Unfortunately, it's all too commonplace in our world today, and it can happen anywhere at any time. If you were involved in an active shooter incident, what would you do to survive? Run? Hide? Fight? Join HCTV as we learn from public safety agents and officials what we can do if we ever find ourselves in this horrific position.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & Services
201621 minutes
Airwaves of Yesteryear: Early Television in Central Virginia
On April 22, 1948 the very first television broadcast south of our nation's capital happened right here in Central Virginia. WTVR began a legacy of quality local programming, which was soon followed by WXEX and WRVA. These early television pioneers brought us local favorites includingÊDandy Doodle, Sailor BobÊandÊShock Theatre. Join HCTV as we celebrate more than 60 years of community programming and look at how this new form of entertainment changed our lives forever in ÊAirwaves of Yesteryear: Early Television in Central Virginia.
Community & Social IssuesHistory
201130 minutes
All Aboard! The History of the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad
The Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad was the sixth railroad to be chartered in the commonwealth, receiving exclusive rights from the General Assembly to connect Richmond and Fredericksburg to the Potomac River steamboat lines. RF&P played a key role in the Civil War and World War II, after which it modernized from steam engines to diesel locomotives. Over the course of its 157-year history the company acquired significant amounts of property along its route, including a number of acres in Henrico County Ñ land that is now home to Glen Allen Stadium at RF&P Park. Though its trains no longer run through the heart of Virginia, the RF&P remains embedded in the history of the communities it touched and in the imagination of the people it served.
201627 minutes
Alzheimer's Disease: The Longest Goodbye
Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. There is no known cause, and no cure. Alzheimer's takes a devastating toll on those diagnosed with the disease and their families. Join HCTV as we hear people living with Alzheimer's, family members, health professionals and advocates tell us how they cope with this progressive illness inÊAlzheimer's Disease: The Longest Goodbye.
Community & Social IssuesMedical, Health, Fitness
201623 minutes
Ask the Question: Suicide Prevention
Suicide is the 10thÊleading cause of death in the United States. It most often occurs when stressors exceed the coping abilities of someone suffering from a mental healthÊcondition. Join HCTV as we talk to suicide prevention advocates, survivors and Henrico mental health professionals who encourage people to speak up if someone close to them appears distressed. Ask the Question. It can save lives.
Community & Social IssuesMedical, Health, Fitness
201719 minutes
Between the Lines: How Reconstruction Redrew the Map of Henrico
You may know which magisterial district you live in, but do you know how that district came to be, or why its boundaries are where they are? The reasons are far more interesting and complex than you may think. Our districts and our Board of Supervisors structure of governance can trace their roots back to the turbulent years following the Civil War, known as the Reconstruction Period, and havebeen evolving with the times ever since.
201222 minutes
Birds of the James
We've all marveled at the majesty of Bald Eagles, Ospreys, Double-Crested Cormorants, and Great Blue Herons Ñ truly a natural resource to behold. What most people don't realize is that these beautiful river birds reside right here at home along the James. Join HCTV as we get up close to the birds of the James River, and learn how they are part of the wonderful natural environment that surrounds us.
Nature & Science
201326 minutes
Boston: The Story of a Racehorse
In the realm of horseracing greats, one thoroughbred from Virginia stands out: Secretariat. In 1973, as a 3-year-old, he won horse racing's Triple Crown Ñ breaking the track record at all three events. But more than a century before Secretariat rewrote the record book, another stallion from central Virginia became known far and wide for his speed, stamina Ñ and vicious temperament. This horse Ñ born in Henrico County and named Boston Ñ is part of an ancestral line that produced Secretariat and other notable horses. Join HCTV as we look into his life, victories and defeats inÊBoston: The Story of a Racehorse.
201620 minutes
More than 13 million kids will be bullied in the U.S. this year. HCTV explores why bullying occurs and what our community can do to combat this disturbing social issue. Henrico County's commonwealth's attorney, school resource officers, guidance counselors, principals and young people speak about their experiences and why bullying is on the rise in our country.
Community & Social IssuesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201320 minutes
By George! The Henry Ward Story
Ward Elementary School stands along Darbytown Road in Henrico County's rural Varina area. The school takes its name from Henry Ward, a compassionate, down-to-earth family man who helped spark the educations of a generation of local children. In and out of the classroom, Ward demonstrated an ability to lead and inspire. Nine years after Ward's death, the Henrico School Board honored his years of service to the community by naming a new school after him. Join HCTV as we explore his life and legacy in By George: The Story of Henry Ward.
201618 minutes
Caring for Mature Neighborhoods: Henrico's Community Maintenance Efforts
Neglected property can affect the perception of a neighborhood, but Henrico's Community Revitalization Department is devoted to combating blight. The community maintenance staff works with county residents through education, outreach, and volunteer coordination, helping to breathe new life into aging neighborhoods.
201634 minutes
Cashell Donahoe: A Gentleman and a Scholar
Cashell Donahoe left an indelible mark on Henrico County, having served as assistant superintendent of schools from 1956 until 1974. But Donahoe was more than a teacher and an administrator. He was a mountain of a man, with an abiding faith, a commitment to others and a thirst for knowledge. Join HCTV as we examine the life ofÊCashell Donahoe: A Gentleman and a Scholar.
201518 minutes
Check it Out: Stories from the Henrico County Public Library
  • Next Chapter Book Club
  • Caregiver Kits
  • Sensory Storytime
  • Homework Help at Henrico County Public Library
  • Digital Media Labs
  • Mobile Library Service
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & Services
201828 minutes
City Limits: Henrico Escapes Richmond's Attempts to Merge and Annex
When Henrico County's population began to explode in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the City of Richmond attempted to acquire the county through a merger or "consolidation." Henrico's citizens flatly voted against the takeover attempt. Undeterred, the city then filed for a 142-square-mile annexation of the county"Ðan astonishing 60 percent of the county's land mass"Ðin a courtroom battle that lasted several years. Learn how narrowly escaping these bold attempts has defined and shaped the present and future of Henrico, inÊCity Limits.
Community & Social IssuesHistory
200919 minutes
Connecting Communities: The Bridges of Henrico
The Huguenot, Willey, Varina-Enon and Pocahontas Parkway bridges keep our communities connected, spur commerce and growth, and serve as icons or symbols of the county. These four modern marvels of engineering science serve as gateways to Henrico, and are vital to the 21st century transportation network that moves the county and the region.
ArchitectureHistoryNotable Places
201516 minutes
Crystal Clear: Henrico County Water Reclamation Facility
Each time we do a load of laundry, take a shower, flush the toilet or wash our hands, we produce wastewater that seems to magically disappear through unseen pipes. In fact, in Henrico County, we produce more than 42 million gallons of wastewater every day. This wastewater must be cleaned, treated and prepared before reentering our environment through the James River. Join HCTV as we tour the high tech (if sometimes smelly) Water Reclamation Facility where this fascinating process takes place. From the natural use of nutrient eating organisms to the multi-step treatment process, Henrico's Water Reclamation Facility makes sure the water returned to the James is crystal clear.
201221 minutes
Curtain Call: A History of the Henrico Theatre
When it opened its doors in 1938, the Henrico Theatre was described as a "big city temple of entertainment set in beautiful rural surroundings." A classic example of art-deco architecture, the theatre was the crown jewel of Highland Springs. After years of successes and changes of ownership, the Henrico Theatre closed its doorsÑ until Henrico County purchased the property in 1999. Join HCTV as we reveal the story behind the theatre, follow the extensive renovation process and learn how it has become a historic landmark in the county.
ArchitectureHistoryNotable Places
201325 minutes
Day in the Life: A Reenactment of the Battle at New Market Heights, A
On September 29, 1864, on fields south of New Market Road, African-American soldiers serving in the U.S. Colored Troops led an assault against Richmond's outer ring of defenses. One-hundred fifty years later, Henrico County brought the day back to life. More than 100 acres of Henrico farmland were transformed into the New Market Heights battlefield. Nearly 1,000 reenactors traveled from around the country to recreate the battle of New Market Heights. Watch how Henrico County bears witness Ñ both then and now Ñ to a significant moment in American history.
201421 minutes
Decision: Aging out of the Foster Care System, The
At the age of 18 young adults in the foster care system must make a daunting decision: opt out of foster care now, or age out at 21 and receive benefits to help transition into adulthood.ÊHCTV features four young adults who share their struggles and successes, as well as their decisions to opt out or stay in foster care. Join us as we hear their stories, and learn what foster care professionals say about remaining in the system until age 21.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & Services
201422 minutes
Desegregation: Stories of Integration of Henrico Public Schools
The Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and Õ60s brought seismic change to American society. Perhaps the greatest impact was felt in education. The U.S. Supreme CourtÕs 1954 decision in Brown vs. the Board of Education ordered that racial segregation in schools gave unequal treatment to blacks and whites, and was unconstitutional. The decision meant school systems would have to integrate. In Henrico County, the process of school desegregation occurred gradually from 1963 to 1969. Join HCTV as we hear the stories and learn the history of this revolution in education.
Community & Social IssuesHistory
201828 minutes
Domestic Violence: It's Closer Than You Think
Last year, Henrico County Police responded to more than 5,000 domestic violence calls. Domestic violence knows no economic, racial, educational or jurisdictional boundaries Ñ it occurs in every neighborhood throughout our county and nation. Join HCTV as we talk to domestic violence survivors and advocates to learn what help is available inÊDomestic Violence: It's Closer Than You Think.
Community & Social IssuesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201615 minutes
Dr. John Mosby Sheppard of Meadow Farm 1817-1877
Dr. John Mosby Sheppard of Meadow Farm was a country doctor and farmer during the 19th century"Ða very tumultuous time in Henrico County. Join HCTV as we shed light on Dr. Sheppard, take a glimpse into his medical practice, economic status and the Sheppard family's life during the mid-1800s.
200931 minutes
Dr. Richard Archibald Patterson: A Self-Made Man
Henrico residents probably recognize the name Patterson as one of the roads they often drive. The road's namesake, however, is likely an afterthought. Dr. Richard Archibald Patterson was a giant of his time Ñ a tobacco pioneer who helped forge his community's recovery from the Civil War; a public servant and philanthropist; a doctor and Civil War surgeon; and a proud Henrico resident who envisioned big things for his community. Join HCTV as we uncover the story of the man, his era and the community he served.
201326 minutes
Dr. William C. Bosher Jr.: The Man Behind the Bow Tie
William Cleveland Bosher Junior was born January 21, 1946 in Richmond, and spent his childhood on his family's small farm in Hanover County. He landed his first teaching job in 1968 at Henrico's J.R. Tucker High School at the age of 22, eventually becoming Superintendent of Schools for Henrico County, Chesterfield County, and the Commonwealth of Virginia. He influenced the education of countless children and was known for his educational expertise nationally and internationally Ñ as well as his trademark bow tie. His legacy is in the lives he touched and the spirit of hope he cultivated everywhere he went. Join HCTV as we experience his extraordinary life inÊDr. William C. Bosher, Jr.: The Man Behind the Bow Tie.
201735 minutes
Early Intervention in Action: The Henrico Parent Infant Program
Most children reach developmental milestones around the same age, though some children require additional support to reach these goals. Henrico's Parent Infant Program works with children who are in need of support services from birth to age three. Join HCTV as we see early intervention in action and how children can thrive with these specialized support services.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & ServicesNature & Science
201720 minutes
Edward A. Beck: Manager, Leader, Visionary
Edward A. Beck, Henrico's fourth county manager, led Henrico for a quarter of a century during times of significant growth. Beck drew upon his unique skills as a civil engineer to guide the county through a period of transition following World War II. His vision resulted in the vastly different, modernized Henrico that we know today. Join HCTV as we explore Beck's life, his leadership style and the legacy he left behind.
201523 minutes
Elizabeth Jane Holladay: Trailblazer of Public Education
Henrico County Public Schools is widely recognized as one of the nation's premier school systems, but this modern model of excellence comes from humble beginnings. One cornerstone was laid in the late 19th century, in the parlor of a home on Mountain Road, where a dedicated teacher began sharing her love of learning with a handful of children from the nearby farms. By the time she was done, Elizabeth Jane Holladay had helped build a foundation for public education in Henrico. Students today continue to learn under her watchful eye Ñ at Holladay Elementary School in central Henrico, just a couple miles from her original classroom. Join HCTV as we learn about Miss Lizzie, her life and her dedication to education.
201415 minutes
Elko Files: History & Mystery in Eastern Henrico, The
The Elko tract in eastern Henrico County is a place where you can't always believe what you see. It's also a place of purpose, reinvention and promise. What remains today has been called a "lost city," and much has been speculated about its past. The Elko name marks a middle school and a community center, and with land for further development, the tract remains a vital part of Henrico's plan for the future. Join HCTV as we explore the mysteries and misunderstandings of the Elko Files.
HistoryNotable Places
201721 minutes
Eye in the Sky: The Metro Aviation Unit
Those charged with the task of maintaining public safety go to great lengths Ñ and great heights Ñ to accomplish their goal. This is certainly true of one elite police unit headquartered at Richmond International Airport. The Metro Aviation Unit is a partnership between the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield and the City of Richmond. Pilots from each jurisdiction assist in a wide array of public safety functions over a landmass of more than 750 square miles with a population of nearly one million people. Fly along with HCTV as police pilots give us a spectacular view of what they do to keep us safe.
Henrico Departments & ServicesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201323 minutes
Faith, Smiles and Public Service: The Story of Dr. Jacob L. Adams
Jacob L. Adams Elementary School sits along Laburnum Avenue in HenricoÕs East End. Opened in 1967, the school is named for Dr. Jacob L. Adams, a former member and Chair of the Henrico School Board and a beloved dentist in the Highland Springs area. An active community member, Adams was devoted to his local church, his patients, and his family.ÊWhile serving on the School Board from 1945 to 1963, Dr. Adams oversaw a period of significant growth with the addition of 30 new public schools. Join HCTV as we shed light on Jacob L. AdamsÕ Highland Springs legacy.
201716 minutes
Fighting the Stigma of Opioid Addiction: Voices of Recovery
Americans are becoming addicted to heroin and opioids at an alarming rate, yet few receive treatment. HCTV sat down with recovering opioid addicts who shared their stories in hopes of helping others seek help. One of the recovering addicts expressed "We're not bad people. We're sick people. When we get well, we get better. Through recovery." Join HCTV as we learn how this addiction knows no boundaries in Fighting the Stigma of Opioid Addiction: Voices of Recovery.
Community & Social IssuesMedical, Health, Fitness
201726 minutes
Finding a Way Back: The Heroin Crisis in Henrico County
Heroin has become a rampant killer across the United States. In 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said use of the powerful narcotic had reached an epidemic level. Henrico officials have assembled a task force to work with the community and treatment providers to develop a strong, comprehensive approach to confront the challenges of heroin. Join HCTV as we look inside this public health emergency and find where help is available.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & ServicesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201622 minutes
First Pitch: History of the Tuckahoe Little League, The
In the late 1950s baseball became America's favorite pastime, and it was every young boy's dream to play the game. For the kids in Henrico, there was no organized league that would allow them to playÑuntil a group of fathers joined forces to form the Tuckahoe Little League. Through the years, the league has prospered and multiple generations of boys and girls have experienced baseball and softball on first-class fields. The tradition continues today, and HCTV takes you back to those glory years in The First Pitch: History of the Tuckahoe Little League.
201518 minutes
For Family and Community: The Life of William Leroy Vandervall
William Vandervall was born in Richmond in 1860 to free black parents Leroy P. and Rebecca Vandervall. After the Civil War, the family saw opportunities beyond Richmond, and settled in an area of western Henrico known as Rio Vista. The familyÕs commitment to education proved profound. William advocated for educational equality for black students, worked as a teacher for 20 years and was the first African-American mail carrier in the area. His familyÕs land was used for a church and two schools located on Quioccasin Road. Vandervall died on October 10th, 1934, at age 74. He left a legacy of service to his community and to Henrico County.
201720 minutes
Forging Freedom: The Story of Gabriel's Rebellion
Were it not for a typical late summer storm in Central Virginia, the events planned for August 30, 1800 might have changed the history of our country forever. A slave named Gabriel, owned by Thomas Henry Prosser of Brookfield plantation, conceived and organized a widespread slave uprising. Involving several Virginia localities, it was possibly the most far-reaching slave uprising planned in the history of the South. The plan might have succeeded had it not been for a sudden, severe downpour and the disclosure of the plot by several slaves, including Tom and Pharoah, who belonged to Mosby Sheppard of Meadow Farm. The alarm went out and the rebellion was thwarted. The effects of the conspiracy were profound and as a result, county and state leaders instituted legislation to regulate the movement of slaves and free blacks. Join HCTV as we tell the story of Gabriel and the failed insurrection inÊForging Freedom: The Story of Gabriel's Rebellion.
201629 minutes
Four Centuries of Conflict and Confusion: The History of Dutch Gap
The history of Dutch Gap and the people who lived there spans four centuries of conflict and confusion. The Dutch Gap canal, located on the James River near the 17th-century Citie of Henricus, was originally constructed during the Civil War to shortcut the seven-mile loop around Farrar's Island. Join HCTV as we learn about Dutch Gap, how it got its name, and the many wars and battles fought throughout its history.
HistoryNature & ScienceNotable Places
201322 minutes
From Investigation to Education: Inside the Office of the Fire Marshal
From finding the source of a fire and enforcing fire laws, to educating school children and inspecting businesses for fire safety, the Office of the Fire Marshal covers a diverse and extensive area of responsibility to ensure the safety of Henrico residents. HCTV follows the Fire Marshals in the field as they investigate for possible arson, train to use firearms, simulate a fire escape for kids, put an accelerant-detecting canine to work and more inÊFrom Investigation to Education: Inside the Office of the Fire Marshal.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & ServicesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201323 minutes
From Shoe Man to Supervisor: Robert Coleman LonganÊ(1885-1960)Ê
Robert C. Longan left an indelible mark across Henrico despite the limits of his own education. Longan grew up on his family's farm in rural Louisa County, before moving to Richmond where he married and became a successful businessman. In 1920, he opened Longan's Family Shoe Store downtown at Fifth and Broad, and in 1943 was elected to represent the Tuckahoe District on the Henrico Board of Supervisors. Longan retired from the board on December 31, 1959, and died from a heart attack the very next day. He left such a mark on Henrico that community leaders thought of him in 1964, when a new elementary school was being planned off West End Drive. R.C. Longan Elementary was dedicated two years later, in 1966.
201619 minutes
From the Ground Up: Henrico County GIS
Since 1997, the Geographic Information System Ñ or GIS Ñ has continued to evolve and assist an increasing number of Henrico residents and internal agencies. This complex, computerized, geographic database assists everyone from 911 communication officers dispatching emergency responders to residents accessing a free, public parcel viewer. Join HCTV as we look inside GIS and its many cutting edge applications.
Henrico Departments & Services
201416 minutes
From the Mines of Henrico: The Beginnings of Our Nation's Coal Industry
Coal has been used as an energy source worldwide for thousands of years. In the United States, the coal industry originated on the banks of the James River and mines right here in Henrico County. Join HCTV as we document the industry's rise and fall, and see what remains today of Henrico's often overlooked coal history.
HistoryNotable Places
201721 minutes
Frozen in Time: The Ruins of the James River Steam Brewery
The arched cellar entrance of David Yuengling Junior's once mighty James River Steam Brewery is a portal to an amazing tale that lies buried in a Rocketts Landing hillside, nearly forgotten for a century. The mysterious facade bears no trace of the famous name or the tumultuous times during which an American staple, lager beer, was produced on a massive scale right here in Henrico County. Join HCTV for a journey into the cellars and back in time.
ArchitectureHistoryNotable Places
201423 minutes
Full Circle: Henrico's Public Utilities and the Water Cycle
We depend on it every day for our survival, yet itÕs easy to take safe drinking water and sanitation for granted. You turn on the tap, and there it is. You flush a toilet, and away it goes. Largely out of sight, hundreds of dedicated Department of Public Utilities professionals keep the water flowing around the clock, every day of the year. It is a complicated and painstaking process, but by the end, the treated wastewater returns to the James River cleaner than the river itself.
Henrico Departments & ServicesNature & Science
201818 minutes
Gaining New Territory: Gang Awareness in Henrico
Gangs are no longer a metropolitan or inner-city problem as they gain new territory in suburban communities Ñ they cross racial, ethnic, socio-economic and geographical boundaries. Henrico's Gang Investigative Team is committed to preventing, intervening and suppressing gang activity in our county. Join HCTV as we learn how Henrico County Police are actively identifying gang activity inÊGaining New Territory: Gang Awareness in Henrico.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & ServicesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201514 minutes
Game Time! The Babe Ruth World Series at RF&P Park
When it comes to youth baseball, there is no better place to play than HenricoÕs own Glen Allen Stadium at RF&P Park. Henrico has hosted the Babe Ruth 14-year-old World Series twice at Glen Allen, and families from all over the country have descended upon our county to experience the parkÕs amenities, as well as our hotels, restaurants, entertainment and shopping venues. Join HCTV as we revisit the Babe Ruth World Series and learn why Henrico is becoming a destination of choice for youth sports tournaments in Game Time! The Babe Ruth World Series at RF&P Park.
201714 minutes
George Henry Moody: A Man to Remember, A Name to Honor
George Henry Moody held the office of superintendent for 13 of his 38 years with Henrico County Schools, and was honored and lauded in countless ways. He was a humble man, from humble beginnings, and is worthy of remembrance for leaving an indelible mark as an educator, a leader, and as a humanitarian in Henrico County. Join HCTV as we explore the man for whom Moody Middle School was named inÊGeorge Henry Moody: A Man to Remember, A Name to Honor.
201121 minutes
Get Your Game On: Open Gym
Whether your game is pickleball, table tennis, volleyball, badminton or basketball, you can hit the courts in Henrico County's Open Gym program! Open Gym invites all ages and levels of experience (or inexperience) to get active and healthy without paying for expensive gym memberships or costly fitness classes. Join HCTV as we watch teens to seniors discover the benefits of exercise and meeting new friends inÊGet Your Game On: Open Gym.
Henrico Departments & ServicesRecreation
201414 minutes
Giving Thanks: The History & Origins of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is celebrated all over the country. When we gather around the table to share a meal with family and friends, do we ever think about how the holiday began? Traditions dating back hundreds of years are still honored today, from turkey and stuffing to parades and football. Join HCTV as we explore the origins of one of America's most cherished holidays.
Community & Social IssuesHistory
201522 minutes
Going Up! The History and Evolution of the Modern Elevator
Elevators provide a fast, practical way to move in our daily lives. The elevator Ñ or "lift" as it's known in some parts of the world Ñ was not originally designed with people in mind. They carried materials and freight for industry. However, elevators quickly became a selling point for hotels and helped bring about modern skyscrapers, including the Empire State Building. Join HCTV as we look at the evolution of the modern elevator and how Henrico's Department of Building Inspections ensures our county's elevators are safe and sound.
Henrico Departments & Services
201618 minutes
Great War Remembered: Henrico's Story of Service & Support, The
On April 6, 1917, the United States formally entered what would eventually come to be known as World War I. Every aspect of our society was affected. The citizens of Henrico County contributed their money, food, energy, and lives to the war effort. Henrico was also the site of a munitions plant staffed by patriotic women in what is now Sandston. Although millions died in combat or from disease, few reminders of the conflict exist today. Through archival film, posters, photographs, and the wartime letters of Meadow Farm's Sheppard Crump, HCTV takes you back to the forgotten war.
201031 minutes
Haunted Henrico: Are Ghosts Dwelling in Historic County Properties?
Is it simply folklore, or is it paranormal? Imagination, or science? Most of us have heard ghost stories throughout our lives, and we love to be intrigued and even scared by the tales of mystical spirits among us. HenricoÕs history goes back centuries, and many colorful characters have passed through the county leaving their legacies behind Ñ but did they leave? Walkerton, Dabbs House and Meadow Farm are three of the countyÕs historic properties dating back to the early 1800s, all of them having their fair share of ghost stories and reported sightings. Join HCTV as we explore the phenomenon in Haunted Henrico: Are Ghosts Dwelling in Historic County Properties?
Notable PlacesRecreation
201723 minutes
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services: Celebrating Fifty Years of Service
Since the establishment of the Henrico Mental Hygiene Clinic in 1968 and the creation of the Community Mental Health Services Board the following year, area residents have had a trusted resource for their mental health concerns. From its humble beginnings, Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services has been innovating and adapting to meet the needs of clients, and now provides a host of life-changing, community-based services including developmental disability, early intervention and substance use services for the 360,000 residents of Henrico, Charles City and New Kent counties.
Henrico Departments & Services
201910 minutes
Henrico Holiday, A
Celebrate the holidays with HCTV as we explore the sights and sounds of the season right here in Henrico.Ê Join us on the James River to see the spectacular Parade of Lights. Travel back to a simpler time with the "Holiday Song & Dance Movie Night" at the Henrico Theatre,Êand visitÊsome of the most decked out, decorated homes around. Embrace all the splendor of the season inÊA Henrico Holiday.
Community & Social IssuesRecreation
201516 minutes
Henrico Homicide: The Murder of Robert Lee Cox, Jr.
On June 8, 2010 Robert Cox Jr. was violently murdered while sitting in his car listening to music. Henrico Police's Homicide Unit is still searching for leads and raking through evidence, but they need your help. Any additional tip, no matter how small, may be just what these detectives need to solve this senseless murder. Join HCTV as we delve into this homicide case, talk to friends of the deceased, and meet the Henrico detectives who will not stop searching until the killer is brought to justice.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201118 minutes
Henrico Horticulture: Summer 2018
Beautiful lawns depend on healthy soil, proper irrigation and regular mowing. Join HCTV and the Henrico office of Virginia Cooperative Extension as we explain how to collect soil samples for testing and understanding the results. We also show you how to set your irrigation system and offer turfgrass care tips to help your lawn thrive.
Henrico Departments & ServicesNature & Science
201815 minutes
Henrico Medical Reserve Corps
The Henrico Medical Reserve Corps is a force of dedicated volunteers who stand ready to support the community in the event of a public health emergency. The need for such an organization became apparent following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In the aftermath of that crisis, the MRC was established to provide a way to recruit, train and activate volunteers to respond to disasters, public health emergencies and other community health needs.
Medical, Health, Fitness
20186 minutes
Henrico Recreation and Parks: Celebrating 50 Years
Learn the 50-year history of Henrico's Recreation and Parks and their commitment to serve the public.
Henrico Departments & ServicesRecreation
20195 minutes
Henrico Statesman: Charles M. Johnson (1919-1981)
Charles Monroe Johnson didn't intend to shape the future of Henrico County when he settled near Bethlehem Road after World War II. As a young husband and father, he wanted simply to live in a strong, vibrant community. Today, Charles M. Johnson Elementary School stands as a testament to one man's willingness to step up, to volunteer and to devote himself to his community. Join HCTV as we talk to family members, friends and colleagues who share their stories of a true Henrico Statesman.
201620 minutes
Henrico Victim/Witness Assistance Program, The
When a serious crime occurs in Henrico, the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office and Police work together to prosecute criminals to the fullest extent of the law. Crime victims and witnesses are essential in bringing offenders to justice, and advocates in the Victim/Witness Assistance Program support them throughout the process. Advocates are committed 24-hours-a-day to advise in legal matters, provide protection and offer counseling to help victims and witnesses get through this difficult time.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & Services
201415 minutes
Henrico's Iron: Ironclad Battles on the James River
The James River in eastern Henrico County serves as a watery grave for three mighty ships from the Civil War. Today, the CSS Richmond, Virginia II and Fredericksburg remain casualties from the James River Squadron and footnotes to America's struggle to unite its North and South. But during the War, they marked an advanced breed of armored ship. They were Ironclads that forever changed naval combat. HCTV uncovers the untold story of Henrico's maritime combats during the Civil War inÊHenrico's Iron: Ironclad Battles on the James River.
201325 minutes
Henrico's Legacy: Commemorating 400 Years
In 1611, the "city or "town" of Henrico, was established as the second settlement of Virginia. By 1634, Henrico, named for the king's eldest son Henry, Prince of Wales, would become one of the eight original shires of Virginia. As we celebrate the 400th anniversary of Henrico County, we embrace the history that made us what we are today. Join HCTV as we explore Henrico's long journey of survival, independence and discovery, and learn about the people and events that shaped the county along the way inÊHenrico's Legacy: Commemorating 400 Years.
201153 minutes
Henrico's View of the James River and Kanawha Canal
The mighty James flows through Henrico County like a great provider of wealth and opportunity. Early settlers in the new world saw that shipping goods and services along its waterways would be beneficial. This is a story of triumph and tragedies as we look at historic Henrico experiences along the James River and Kanawha Canal.
ArchitectureHistoryNotable Places
200921 minutes
HenricoNews April 2022
This edition of HenricoNews feature packages include:
  • Bickmeier to Lead Henrico Sports and Entertainment Authority
  • Earth Day 2022
  • Henrico Fire Explorers
  • The Doula Program
  • Female SWAT Sniper
  • Officer Trey Sutton Memorial
HenricoNews/Inside Henrico
202217 minutes
HenricoNews August 2022
This edition of HenricoNews feature packages include:
  • Woodman Road Extension Opens
  • Name the Animal Shelter
  • Neighborhood Roundabout
  • Lt. Governor Visits GreenCity
  • Cobbs Creek Reservoir Update
HenricoNews/Inside Henrico
202214 minutes
HenricoNews December 2022
This edition of HenricoNews feature packages include:
  • Cultural Arts Center Tree Lighting
  • Henrico Holiday Express
  • Clarke-Palmore House Tour
  • Christmas Parade
  • Firehouse Lights
  • Mr. Christmas Says Goodbye
HenricoNews/Inside Henrico
202215 minutes
HenricoNews June 2022
This edition of HenricoNews feature packages include:
  • Dorey Baseball Stadium
  • Henrico Sports and Entertainment Authority
  • Recreation & Parks App
  • 2022 Bond Referendum
  • Tuckahoe Park Stream Restoration
HenricoNews/Inside Henrico
202214 minutes
Hermitage Enterprises
Hermitage Enterprises provides vocational and day-support services to Henrico County residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Join HCTV as we meet these hard-working individuals at their warehouse on Hermitage Road and learn how the program helps to build their confidence, self-sufficiency and connections to the community around them.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & Services
201922 minutes
Hidden History: The Story of East End Cemetery
On the brightest of days, sunlight finds a way to cut through the canopies of mature trees at East End Cemetery in Henrico County. Don't be misled by the heavy undergrowth and tangles of vines Ñ this is sacred ground, the final resting place for thousands of African-Americans from the turn of the 20th century. Join HCTV as we gain insight into the cemetery's rich cultural history, and learn how the land is slowly being reclaimed by volunteers determined to uncover East End's secrets.
Community & Social IssuesHistoryNotable Places
201721 minutes
History of Gravel Hill, The
Gravel Hill sits tucked away in eastern Henrico County, bearing only humble monuments to its extraordinary history. Among the rustic surroundings are a scattering of modest homes, a small church and an old school building. The community dates back to 1771, and has persevered against the odds due to grit, determination, self-reliance and pride. Join HCTV as we tell this remarkable story of one of the first African-American communities in the nation.
HistoryNotable Places
201616 minutes
History of New Market Road: Connecting the Past to the Future, The
New Market Road, part of the Route 5 corridor in eastern Henrico, is one of VirginiaÕs most historically significant roads. Native Americans, war veterans, local farmers and artisans travelled this byway during times of war and peace, creating history along the way. Join HCTV as we explore the times gone by in The History of New Market Road: Connecting the Past to the Future.
201717 minutes
Hometown Hero: Arthur Ashe, Jr.
Arthur Ashe, Jr. is known worldwide as a tennis champion, an advocate for education and for his tragic death due to AIDS-related pneumonia as a result of a blood transfusion. Ashe's legacy and his ties to Central Virginia are further cemented in the Henrico County public school that bears his name, Arthur Ashe, Jr. Elementary. Join HCTV as we explore the man behind the tennis racket, and learn about how he used his notoriety to help the people of Richmond, especially children.
201428 minutes
Identity Theft: Not a Matter of If, but When
Technology enhances our lives with countless conveniences. But it also provides endless opportunities for thieves to exploit our use of everything from social media to gift cards, credit cards, e-commerce and email. Join HCTV as we uncover some of the most popular scams, hacks, and schemes and learn how you can keep from being a target.
Community & Social IssuesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201717 minutes
Jackson Davis: Catalyst for Educational Equality
Jackson Davis made his name as an education reformer. He travelled with his camera, taking thousands of photographs documenting the often-poor condition of African-American education in the South during the first half of the 20th century. These stark images and Davis' meticulous notes helped attract private investment that gradually lifted rural communities still suffering from the Civil War. While his service to Henrico lasted only a few years, Davis' legacy continues. In 1962, the School Board opened Jackson Davis Elementary honoring the catalyst for educational equality.
201622 minutes
John Marshall: In the Opinion of the Court
Chief Justice John Marshall helped shape the future of our nation. From his humble beginnings on the Virginia frontier, Marshall served his country in the American Revolutionary War, became a prominent and respected politician, and served for 34 years as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. His wisdom, patriotism, and judicial expertise set an example of justice for the world to follow. Learn how Marshall's leadership cemented the role of the Supreme Court as the Law of the Land in this Central Virginia Biography, John Marshall: In the Opinion of the Court.
201029 minutes
John Randolph Tucker: A Heritage of Law
The Tucker name has a legacy of great lawyers and law educators in Virginia dating back to our country's beginning. John Randolph Tucker continued the family heritage and became a highly respected law practitioner and educator just as his ancestors before him. But it was because of his firm belief in civic betterment that he fought for Henrico County to have its own professional government that gave Tucker a legacy all his own.
201117 minutes
Juvenile Detention in Henrico County: Rebuilding Lives to Benefit Our Community
Juvenile Detention in Henrico County: Rebuilding Lives to Benefit Our Community (Running Time: 16 minutes) – The Henrico County Juvenile Detention Home and the James River Juvenile Detention Center offer much more than a secure place for youth awaiting court action or serving short sentences. With the help of their caring staffs and innovative programming, the facilities help youths continue their education, work through any emotional or other challenges and prepare them upon release to become contributing members of the community.
Community & Social IssuesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201916 minutes
Larger than Life: Captain John Cussons
With a life that spanned from his native England to the American frontier and ultimately Henrico County, John Cussons left us with a colorful image of his spirited adventures and brash personality. But what do we really know about him? Is it possible to separate the truth from the fiction? The man from the legend? Join HCTV as we learn about the fearless pioneer inÊLarger than Life: Captain John Cussons (1838-1912).
201423 minutes
Lewis Ginter: A Quiet Contribution
Lewis Ginter is probably best known in our area for the botanical garden bearing his name. Located in Henrico County, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden is but one of the many contributions Ginter made to the Metro Richmond area with the help of his niece, Grace Arents. Although Metro Richmond was a home Ginter adopted, he profoundly changed the landscape and quality of life through his fascinating and diverse business ventures.
200831 minutes
Living With Dignity: Henrico Adult Protective Services
The Henrico Social Services Department has many resources that can help adults who may be the victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Adult Protective Services are provided to elderly, infirmed and disabled adults. Join HCTV as we highlight the needs of our seniors in this exploration of Adult Protective Services.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & Services
200923 minutes
Made in Henrico: A Look Inside the County's Manufacturing Sector
When you think of Coca-Cola, Chap Stick, Oreos and Chips Ahoy, you think big manufacturing, made in the USA. But, do you think, "Made in Henrico?" They are, along with many other familiar products. Henrico-based manufacturers make many products that touch our daily lives in ways we may not realize. Join HCTV for a special behind-the-scenes glimpse into the realities of modern manufacturing right in our own backyard.
Henrico Departments & Services
201717 minutes
Make It Happen: What It Takes To Become a Henrico County Firefighter
Henrico's firefighters specialize in bringing chaos under control in emergencysituations Ñ that's what they're trained to do. Be it fire, emergency medical service, hazardous materials spills or retrieving the cat from the tree, Henrico firefighters respond in the fast, efficient and cool-headed manner that we have come to expect. But becoming a firefighter is not for the faint of heart, or mind. Henrico's Fire Training Section chooses only a select few applicants who must then endure a grueling 23 weeks of intense training. HCTV embedded with Recruit Academy 61 for the entire process capturing all of the intensity, drama, and danger Ñ taking you where few have been.
Henrico Departments & ServicesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201252 minutes
Mills E. Godwin: Virginia's Statesman
Mills Edwin Godwin, Jr., known as Virginia's Education Governor, was born November 19, 1914 in Nansemond County, Virginia (now the City of Suffolk). During his two terms as governor, Godwin championed the community college system in Virginia, was a key player in the Civil Rights Movement, and implemented the sales tax in the Commonwealth. Godwin remains the only governor in the country who was elected and served his first term as a democrat, and his second as a republican. Join HCTV as we learn more about Godwin through the stories of people who knew him best.
201030 minutes
MONEY: The Evolution of Currency in America
Is there anything more American than the dollar bill? Today it is instantly recognized around the world and universally accepted as payment for just about anything. But American currency traveled a long and colorful course over several centuries before it became the global force we know today. Its development is intertwined with the nation's history, and its evolution continues. Join HCTV as we explore the progressive phases of our legal tender in MONEY: The Evolution of Currency in America.
201625 minutes
Monticello: Thomas Jefferson's Dream
Thomas Jefferson's dream was to build a home in the mountains of Virginia. Throughout the years, his many experiences gave him a wealth of knowledge to make this dream come true. Monticello not only reflects Jefferson's many interests, but also embodies the spirit of all the people who lived and worked to make this home one of the most famous man-made wonders of Virginia.
ArchitectureBiographyHistoryNotable Places
200825 minutes
Mother Maybelle & The Carter Sisters: The Henrico Years
The lilting music of the Carter family sprang from the hills of Southwest Virginia, but it flowered in Henrico County. For about six years during the 1940s, Maybelle Carter and her young daughters "Ð Helen, June and Anita "Ð set roots in Central Virginia. In 1946, they saw their popularity explode when they landed a spot with Richmond's biggest station "Ð WRVA "Ð and its premier stage for hillbilly fun. The family moved to Henrico in 1947, buying a two-story home on what used to be Mountain Road. Join HCTV as we talk to former friends, classmates and fans to learn about Mother Maybelle and the Carter Sisters during their Henrico years.
201229 minutes
Native Fish Species of the James River
During the 17th century the James River was silver with the Shad, Herring & Sturgeon populations. Over time, residential and commercial development, overfishing and habitat changes decimated these native species, but innovative repopulation and rehabilitation programs are now underway to replenish the river. Join HCTV as we explore how our actions and the environment have affected the fish quality, and learn whether it is, indeed, safe to eat fish from the James, in Native Fish Species of the James River.
Community & Social IssuesNature & ScienceRecreation
201039 minutes
Nature's Artwork: Wildflowers of Central Virigina
One man's weed is another man's wildflower, and there are nearly 1,500 varieties of wildflowers right here in central Virginia. Not only are these amazing natural creations a beauty to behold, they are an integral part of the ecosystem. From Cattails and Black-eyed Susans to Cardinal Flowers and Dutchman's Breeches, wildflowers pepper our landscape year-round. Join HCTV as we explore these fascinating creations in Nature's Artwork: Wildflowers of Central Virginia.
Nature & Science
201621 minutes
Never Forget II: Henrico's Cold Cases: Marshall Ray Butler Homicide
Henrico County Currently has more than 80 unsolved crimes, and the cold case unit needs your help. New forensic technology has led to a break in the 1991 murder of 16 year old Marshall Ray Butler. Investigators are now on the trail of a new suspect, and all they may need is one phone call to bring closure to this horrific unsolved homicide. Never Forget.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
200622 minutes
Never Forget III: Schantz-Ripka Cold Case
On February 11, 1998 Allen Ripka and Shelly Schantz were brutally murdered in their western Henrico home. Henrico investigators had never seen a crime scene that lacked such vital forensic evidence, and after following every plausible lead, the crime remains unsolved. Henrico Police have not forgotten this double homicide, but they need the community's help to bring closure to two families and a murderer to justice.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
200929 minutes
Never Forget V: Winston & Calvin Homicides
Two cousins murdered a year apart. Two lives cut short. Both were discovered by motorists along desolate roads in the county's east end, shot multiple times. They ran with a rough crowd, and paid the ultimate price. Even though the murders occurred more than two decades ago, someone knows who killed these young men. With the public's help and advances in forensic technology, Henrico Police may soon know as well.ÊNever Forget.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201219 minutes
Never Forget VI: Michelle Taylor
On Saturday, July 25th, 1998, Andrea Taylor was stabbed to death in Henrico County and her killer is still at large today. Join HCTV as we follow the police cold case unit's reinvestigation of this horrible crime and learn how it may soon be solved. With new technology available and the possibility of new witnesses coming forward, Henrico police are actively pursuing justice for the person responsible.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201225 minutes
Never Forget VII: Inez Childress Cold Case
On September 17, 1994, 82 year-old great-grandmother Inez J. Childress was strangled and drowned in her own bathtub. The killer still remains at large, and police need your help in solving this horrific crime. Join HCTV as we talk to the Childress family members and original investigators on the scene of this homicide. One new lead for Henrico police may help to solve this crime and bring closure to the family. Never Forget.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201321 minutes
Never Forget: Cynthia Gillliam-Ford Cold Case
In January of 1991 Henrico Police discovered human skeletal remains wrapped in a blanket in a wooded area of the county. Evidence at the scene could not help identify the victim or lead police to a suspect. Nearly two decades later, a facial reconstruction sketch released to the media proved to be the key in uncovering the identity of this Jane Doe. Police are now hot on the trail of her killer and they need your help to find the murderer of Cynthia Gilliam-Ford. Never Forget.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201021 minutes
Never Forget: Henrico's Cold Cases: Lowther/Hall-Margaret
Henrico County currently has more than 80 unsolved violent crimes, and the Cold Case Unit needs your help. HCTV takes you inside two cases that have gone unsolved for years. First, we'll explore the 1984 Hall-Margaret double murder that stunned a community and has baffled Henrico's most experienced investigators since 1984. Then we'll learn how DNA evidence has helped investigators get close to solving the 2001 shooting of Michael Edward Lowther. The Cold Case Unit may only be one phone call away from solving these cases and bringing closure to the families devastated by these horrific crimes. Never Forget.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
200634 minutes
Never Forget: Hubbard/Cotner Cold Case
On July 19, 1991, Walter Hubbard and his daughter Stephanie Cotner were brutally beaten during a suspected robbery at the Hubbard Auto Sales, 5207 Brook Road. A suspect has never been identified. Police are searching for any leads that may shed new light on the investigation and they need your help to solve this horrendous crime.ÊNever Forget.
Homicide Cold Cases
201820 minutes
Never Forget: Janice Johnson Missing Person Cold Case
On November 1, 2001 Janice Johnson, a wife and mother of three children, went missing. While Police located her abandoned car several days later, no other evidence has surfaced Ñ no crime scene, no body, no witnesses. In the years that have since passed, Henrico County Cold Case detectives have worked tirelessly to link a suspect to Janice's disappearance, but they still need that one tip, or one phone call to help solve the mystery of what happened to Janice Johnson.ÊNever Forget.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201615 minutes
New Beginning: Inside Henrico Drug Court, A
Henrico County Drug Court is a structured, four-phase program designed to reduce crime and recidivism among substance abuse offenders. Drug Court works to intervene and rehabilitate participants so they can live clean and sober lives. Join HCTV as we delve inside Drug Court, meet the people who make it work and watch the addicts strive to succeed.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & Services
201519 minutes
On Board with the Henrico Marine Patrol
The James River has been a waterway for commercial vessels for centuries. Through the years, recreational activity on the river has increased in popularity and it's not uncommon to see anglers, skiers, canoers and kayakers year round. Henrico's Police and Fire Marine Patrol Units watch over the James ensuring public safety on the water just as they do on dry land. Join HCTV for an immersive look into the mission, tools and training of the men and women who patrol the river in On Board with the Henrico Marine Patrol.
Henrico Departments & ServicesPublic Safety: Police Fire SheriffRecreation
201518 minutes
Only Rain Down the Drain! Protecting Our Stormwater System
The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Ñ also known as MS4 Ñ is all around us, yet it is easy to overlook. It carries runoff from streets, parking lots and other land surfaces directly to streams and creeks. This water, and the pollutants that get swept up in it, does not pass through a treatment plant before emptying into the James or Chickahominy Rivers, and ultimately, the Chesapeake Bay. Learn what Henrico County is doing to prevent pollution from entering our watersheds, and what you can do to help in Only Rain Down the Drain! Protecting Our Stormwater System.
Henrico Departments & ServicesNature & Science
201713 minutes
Open for Business: How to Start Up in Henrico
Henrico is open for business, and we know our corporate neighbors Ñ large and small Ñ enhance our community and quality of life. Our strong business climate is due in part to the ease with which local entrepreneurs can get established. Henrico agencies work with our start-up business owners to make the process fast and user-friendly. Join HCTV as we walk through the process and meet some business owners who turned their enterprise ideas into reality right here in Henrico.
Henrico Departments & Services
201616 minutes
Open Road: The Interstate Highways in Henrico County, The
The National System of Interstate and Defense Highways united the far corners of the nation, changing lives and landscapes along the way. While their existence is largely taken for granted, they remain the most ambitious public works project in American history. More than one thousand miles of the network was allocated for Virginia in the 1956 plan. Henrico County benefitted from three components: I-95, I-64 and I-295. Together, they formed the framework for Henrico's future growth. Join HCTV for a revealing road trip that connects past and present.
201622 minutes
Opportunity to Reform: The Laurel Industrial School and the History of Juvenile Corrections in Henrico, An
Few people traveling through Laurel on Hungary Road seem to notice that they're in one of the county's historic districts, or that they're passing through the site of the state's first reformatory. HCTV takes an investigative journey into the dramatic and complex history of the Laurel Industrial School, examines its legacy, and sheds light on its place on the path to modern juvenile justice.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & ServicesHistoryPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201333 minutes
Opportunity to Serve: Henrico County Police, An
Do you have what it takes to become a member of the Henrico County Police Division? Find out as we take a look at the process to select and train future officers for this elite group. Over the course of 32 weeks, you will receive the training you need to make a difference in the lives of your friends, neighbors and all Henrico residents. HCPD is looking for people with a willingness to serve others and improve the quality of life in Henrico. Is that you?
Henrico Departments & Services
20189 minutes
ORBIT: Opiate Recovery By Intensive Tracking
In Henrico County, incarceration can provide a critical first step on a path to recovery from an opiate addiction. The Sheriff’s Office started the O.R.B.I.T., or Opiate Recovery by Intensive Tracking, program to help inmates regain control of their lives. The phased program begins by teaching the basics of recovery and helping participants create a personal relapse prevention plan. In later phases, they are allowed to work on supervised crews at county buildings and facilities, receive vocational training and reconnect with their families. O.R.B.I.T., which takes about 12 months to complete, provides support and random drug testing as participants progress to work release and home electronic monitoring.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & Services
201820 minutes
Paving Ahead: Building & Maintaining Roads in Henrico County
Henrico's Public Works Department maintains more than 3,400 lane miles of roadways, typically resurfacing or repaving about 150 miles of roads each year. Because our crews survey the roads year round and prioritize paving work, our residents enjoy the ability to drive throughout the county on safe, well-maintained roadways. Join us as HCTV explores how the process works and what's involved in Paving Ahead: Building & Maintaining Roads in Henrico County.
Henrico Departments & Services
201514 minutes
Piece of Our Past: The Old Henrico Courthouse and Jail, A
Long before Henrico's modern administration and courts complex was built on Parham Road, the center of county government was nestled on a little island in the City of Richmond. Join HCTV as we chronicle more than two and a half centuries since the first Henrico courthouse was built at 22nd and Main, the controversy surrounding the ownership of the property, the gradual relocation of county operations and the ultimate fate of the Victorian marvel that still rests there today.
ArchitectureHistoryNotable Places
201532 minutes
Pocahontas: The Myth and Mystery of an Icon
Although more than 400 years have passed since she stepped into history, Pocahontas continues to capture the imagination of people everywhere. While representations of her continue to proliferate, how much is really known about the enigmatic icon? Join HCTV for a fresh look at the making of the legend, and how her fascinating journey unfolded.
201634 minutes
Pride & Precision: The Honor Guards of Henrico County
With polish and precision, the honor guards of Henrico County lead by quiet example and command respect for the flags of our nation, state and county. They also help honor the men and women who serve and sacrifice for us all. The Police and Fire divisions and the Sheriff's Office each has its own ceremonial unit. They continue a proud military tradition that dates to 1784 and the end of the American Revolution.
Henrico Departments & ServicesHistoryPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201515 minutes
Protection, Affection & Adoption: Inside Henrico's Animal Shelter
Henrico's animal shelter, its officers and its staff play a vital role in keeping our community safe. They also provide care and humane treatment of animals that support long, rewarding relationships between residents and their pets. Join HCTV as we visit the state-of-the-art animal shelter, meet a few of its residents and talk to the Animal Protection Police Officers about the adoption process, and what we all need to know about pet ownership in Henrico.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & ServicesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201710 minutes
Raymond Bennett Pinchbeck: The Good Neighbor
The students at Pinchbeck Elementary School are known as the Rays Ñ for good reason. The school's name and mascot come from Raymond B. Pinchbeck, a man who served his community locally and nationally. As a Henrico School Board member, a Dean at the University of Richmond and a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, Pinchbeck brightened lives throughout the community and inspired a character in the popular 1970s television series The Waltons.
201428 minutes
Ringing the Bell: Police and Fire Chaplains of Henrico County
Police and Fire chaplains are volunteer ministers who provide pastoral care and spiritual support to the first responders and residents of Henrico County. Whether it's helping officers deal with stress on the job, or helping someone from the community through a difficult time, their compassion and gentle care can be invaluable during a crisis.
Community & Social IssuesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201517 minutes
Safely Rest: The Saga of Taps, An American Bugle Call
Taps, the unmistakable bugle melody that has signaled day's end for our military for more than 150 years, is perhaps best known as a song of mourning and as the final tribute at funerals for service members. While the twenty-four deceptively simple notes are easily recognizable, their origin is much more complex. Join HCTV for a musical journey that spans the Eastern Henrico Civil War battles in the summer of 1862, and the creation of Taps at Berkeley Plantation soon thereafter, to Arlington National Cemetery where it is played an average of thirty times a day.
201427 minutes
Signs, Lines & Signals: On the Road with Henrico's Traffic Engineering Division
Henrico County is a community in constant motion. Thousands of lane miles of road connect neighborhoods, schools, businesses and other facilities Ñ any place you need to go. The safety of residents and motorists depends on streets that are properly designed, maintained and marked. Installing, repairing and replacing signs; placing lines and other roadway markings; and ensuring traffic signals are working as they should Ñ all of these duties, as well as the planning of new roads, fall to the Department of Public Works and its Traffic Engineering Division.
Henrico Departments & Services
201617 minutes
Southern Man of Mystery: Edgar Allan Poe
This premiere edition of Central Virginia Biographies takes you into the world of "America's Shakespeare," Edgar Allan Poe. The brilliant but troubled writer is credited with mastering the genre of science fiction, detective fiction, and the horror story, in addition to creating mesmerizing poetry and establishing the format of the short story. The legendary author of The Raven, The Tell-Tale Heart and The Fall of the House of Usher grew up in Richmond, and considered himself a Virginian wherever his travels led him. Take a poetic journey back in time with HCTV's Southern Man of Mystery: Edgar Allan Poe.
200837 minutes
Standing Tall: Native Trees of Henrico County
From majestic oaks to loblolly pines, the native trees of Henrico not only enhance the natural beauty of the county and provide a habitat for animals, they play a vital part in the ecology of our environment. Join HCTV as we learn about the variety of native trees in our area and the role they play in the cycle of life.
Nature & Science
201225 minutes
Starting Over: Refugee Resettlement in Henrico
Imagine being forced to relocate your family to a foreign country because you fear for your life. There are more than 19 million refugees in the world today, and approximately 2,400 of them resettle in Virginia each year. Starting over in a region unknown can be overwhelming, but the Henrico Resettlement Program is ready to assist. Whether it's access to health care, school enrollment, or learning the English language, the people of Henrico are prepared to help ease the transition for refugees.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & Services
201618 minutes
Stories of Prevention & Recovery
  • Hiding in Plain Sight: Signs of Drug Use
  • Prescription Painkillers Use & Abuse
  • Recovery Behind Bars
  • Safe Pill Disposal
  • Treatment for Addiction
  • Stop an Opioid Overdose with Naloxone
Community & Social Issues
201826 minutes
Story of Maude Trevvett: A Lifetime of Teaching, The
Maude F. Trevvett was a primary teacher in Henrico County Public Schools for 46 years. At age nine she and her family emigrated from Leicester, England and settled in the village of Glen Allen. Trevvett began her teaching career in 1892 at Yellow Tavern School, followed by Laurel, and eventually Glen Allen School. She taught as many as three generations of Henrico students and left a permanent mark on the Glen Allen area. In 1958, Henrico officials acknowledged her dedication to Henrico by naming a new school in the Brookland district "Maude Trevvett Elementary School."
201221 minutes
Story of Mercer Hugh Cosby Farm, The
The Mercer Hugh Cosby Farm, located in western Henrico County, has been part of one familyÕs story for five generations. Significant for its ownership by one African-American family dating back to the late 1800s, Mercer Hugh Cosby built the farmhouse in the 1880s on 52-acres. Today, the Cosby farm teems with cornstalks and other crops Ñ and it gives barely notice to the suburban development thatÕs sprung up nearby. Join HCTV as we learn more about this family of farmers, educators and preservationist and its notable place in HenricoÕs history.
HistoryNotable Places
201720 minutes
Strumming Up the Past: Henrico's Bluegrass Music
Bluegrass represents a distinctly American style of music, a beautiful blend of old-timey, Celtic, gospel, country and blues. Henrico County is keeping the music alive by organizing a bluegrass jam each month at Dorey Park. If you've stood before the microphone and or clapped from the audience, you know there's something about bluegrass that tugs on your soul.
201324 minutes
Survive Your 25: Henrico Division of Fire Cancer Risk Reduction Program
Each day, firefighters risk their lives in the protection of residents and their property. For Henrico County, the safety and well-being of public safety officers are a top priority. That’s why the county’s focus on firefighter safety has sharpened as concerns have risen across the country about a link between exposure to fire toxins and cancer.
Henrico Departments & ServicesMedical, Health, Fitness
201914 minutes
SWAT: Henrico's Special Weapons And Tactics Team
Police officers put their lives on the line every day to serve and protect Henrico County residents. And sometimes, when the situation is complex, the stakes are high and lives are in danger, it's time to call in the SWAT team. Unified action and perfect precision are paramount to its successful operations, and team members must be ready to engage at a moment's notice. Join HCTV as we follow this elite, highly-trained, Special Weapons and Tactics team.
Henrico Departments & ServicesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201419 minutes
Taking Out the Trash: Henrico's Solid Waste Division-2015
Someone has to do it. Garbage doesn't just magically disappear. The employees of Public Utilities' Solid Waste Division are out there every morning collecting trash and recycling from more than 6,000 homes. HCTV-17 takes you behind the scenes of this physically demanding job and introduces you to the people who help keep Henrico beautiful.
Henrico Departments & Services
201517 minutes
Taking to the Sky: First Ladies of Aviation
In 1903, the Wright Brothers harnessed the mystery of flight. Male-dominated American aviators began to explore the skies and capture the imagination. But before long, women stepped forward with their own spirit of adventure. Join HCTV as we meet Martha C. West, Genevieve Krimm Orange and Maude "Maxine" Walker who found their passion for flying and a desire to go beyond the traditional roles expected of women.
HistoryNature & Science
201426 minutes
Tommy Edwards: HenricoÕs Hit Maker
Singer-songwriter Tommy Edwards crooned his way to the top of the charts in the 1950s, selling millions of records in the U.S. and around the world. The Henrico native appeared on the programs of entertainment icons Ed Sullivan and Dick Clark, and headlined shows in major cities. But fame would prove to be fleeting for HenricoÕs biggest star, who found his career peaking at the same time American popular music was dramatically changing. Join HCTV on a musical journey through TommyÕs life and times, which began and ended in HenricoÕs West End.
201829 minutes
Uncovering the Truth: Polygraph Use in Henrico County
How can you tell when a person is lying? Oftentimes, his or her body will provide a clue Ñ a quick pulse, sweaty palms and stammering speech. For the better part of a century, police have interviewed suspected criminals using machines designed to help separate fact from fiction. These polygraphs Ñ or lie detectors Ñ have become an important investigative tool for law-enforcement agencies, including the Henrico County Police Division. But polygraphs have limited use and remain controversial, because the science behind them is imprecise.
Nature & SciencePublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201617 minutes
Under the Hood: A Look Inside Central Automotive Maintenance
Henrico County operates in a state of constant motion. Police, Fire, Public Works, Schools and other agencies all depend on their own fleet of vehicles to get the job done. But behind each police cruiser, fire engine, snow plow and school bus is a team of expert automotive technicians. Join HCTV as we learn how the Central Automotive Maintenance team keeps the county rolling.
201516 minutes
Underage Drinking: Adult Consequences
Keeping alcohol out of the hands of underage drinkers is a team effort. Parents, school officials, law enforcement and community partners have joined together to teach tweens to twenties about the health risks and legal consequences that can result from a moment of poor judgment. HCTV talks to the experts about the steps they are taking to keep our young people safe.
Community & Social IssuesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
201617 minutes
Understanding and Preventing Elder Abuse
Each year hundreds of thousands of seniors are abused, neglected and exploited in the United States. Many elder victims are frail, unable to care for themselves and depend on others to meet their most basic needs. Henrico's Adult Protective Services works with public and private agencies to stop the mistreatment of the county's elderly population. Join HCTV as we highlight the services that help detect, investigate, prosecute and prevent elder abuse cases.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & ServicesMedical, Health, Fitness
201415 minutes
Understanding Childhood Obesity: A Journey to Healthy Living
Childhood obesity is considered by many pediatricians to be the No. 1 health risk facing youth in our country. Affecting one in three children, childhood obesity has reached epidemic levels. There are many factors that have contributed to this crisis, ranging from heredity, food choices and activity levels to the way our communities are planned and designed. Making positive changes now can help our children with their own journey to healthy living.
Community & Social IssuesMedical, Health, Fitness
201814 minutes
Unsolved Henrico: Jacque Gauthier Homicide
On August 17, 2015, 45 year old Jacque Gauthier was shot and killed while riding his bicycle in the area of Edgefield Street, just a few blocks from his home. With no apparent motive and very few clues, Henrico Police continue to investigate this active case and are asking for the public's help in solving it. Viewer discretion is advised.
Community & Social IssuesHomicide Cold CasesPublic Safety: Police Fire Sheriff
20208 minutes
Virginia Estelle Randolph: Pioneer Educator
Virginia Estelle Randolph was a pioneer educator in Henrico County during the 19th and 20th centuries. Her innovative ideas and vocational curriculum termed "The Henrico Plan" was adopted throughout the south and internationally. Randolph made remarkable strides in African-American education during an unsettled time in our history. Join HCTV as we look inside the life of Virginia Estelle Randolph, and learn how her legacy lives on today.
200929 minutes
Virginia: The Mother of Presidents
Virginia is known as the Mother of Presidents for good reason: more United States presidents hail from this great state than any other. Virginia has produced eight U.S. presidents, including Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, Harrison, Tyler, Taylor and Wilson. Each played a vital role in the formation of our country and our democratic form of government. These insightful and experienced leaders guided our country through times of war and peace, and helped shape the United States of America.
201241 minutes
Vote Here! Virginia's History of Voting and Elections
For more than two centuries, VirginiaÕs electorate has expanded and become more representative of its people Ñ though not without struggle. Much like the voting ranks have changed over time, so has the process. Changes brought by the Voting Rights Act and other measures inspired by the Civil Rights Movement reverberated throughout the Commonwealth. The unfettered right to vote is available to more Virginians today than at any point in the stateÕs history. That right is not always exercised, however. Join HCTV as we explore the history of voting and the evolution of elections in Virginia.
Community & Social IssuesHistory
201725 minutes
Water, Clean and Clear: Henrico's Water Treatment Facility
A safe water supply is vital to our community. Henrico's Water Treatment Facility is committed to supplying our residents with the safest, cleanest water in the region. Join HCTV as we follow the process from the raw product extracted from the James River, to the refined, crystal clear water delivered to Henrico homes and businesses in Water, Clean and Clear: Henrico's Water Treatment.
Henrico Departments & Services
201517 minutes
Welcome to Dabbs House
Henrico's historic Dabbs House has been restored and is now open to the public for an inside look at this significant national landmark. The structure has been used for many diverse purposes through its lifetime, including an antebellum farmhouse, Confederate General Robert E. Lee's headquarters, an alms house, Henrico police headquarters and an office building. Visitors will learn fascinating stories about the Dabbs House, and discover why it has stood the test of time.
ArchitectureHistoryNotable Places
20088 minutes
Welcome to Meadow Farm Museum
The history of the rolling fields and grassy pastures of Meadow Farm is a story of land and people. It stretches over seven generations of the Sheppard family, tracing back to Virginia's earliest days and beyond. Land that was once inhabited by the Monacan Indians has been host to a thriving agricultural farm, an unsuccessful slave revolt by Gabriel Prosser, the doorstep to a 13 mile long Union march to the battle of Yellow Tavern, and eventually a generous gift by the Crump family as a historical museum and park to the residents of Henrico County.
HistoryNotable Places
200910 minutes
Westwood Community, The: Built on Faith and Resilience
In the near West End of Richmond Ñ not far from the bustle of Willow Lawn Ñ stands a community that speaks to the power of unity, determination and perseverance. The village of Westwood was established by former slaves in the late 19th century in what was then a remote, rural part of Henrico County. Over decades, the community grew to include dozens of humble homes as well as stores, a church and a school. But the community found itself drawn into a fight for its own survival. Facing seemingly impossible odds, the families held firm and discovered just how resilient their village could be.
Community & Social IssuesHistory
201821 minutes
When Food Can Kill You: Living with Food Allergies
For some people, food choices are a matter of life and death. Allergic reactions to certain foods can arise suddenly, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Join HCTV as we talk to people coping with food allergies, medical professionals and parents of children with the condition in When Food Can Kill You: Living with Food Allergies.
Medical, Health, Fitness
201718 minutes
When the Clock Strikes Twelve: New Year's Traditions
Remember, reflect, resolve, renew Ñ our New Year's traditions help us do all of these things. But before you can have the tradition, you need to have the New Year. Why do we celebrate the first of January? And how did all of these traditions get started? From Auld Lang Syne and champagne toasts, to Times Square, black-eyed peas and Pasadena's Rose Bowl, learn about all things New Year in HCTV's When the Clock Strikes Twelve: New Year's Traditions.
201329 minutes
Will You Answer the Call?
Join HCTV for an on-the-job look at Henrico County’s 911 dispatchers. Get a glimpse of the challenges they face and the difference they make in people’s lives every day and learn more about this rewarding career. Do you have what it takes to answer the call?
Henrico Departments & Services
201810 minutes
Without Warning: How Henrico Responds to Water Main Breaks
It can happen at any time, anywhere, without notice. A water main can suddenly burst, disrupting service and causing roads to buckle and crumble. Are they happening more often lately? Truthfully, no. Water main breaks are simply a reality for communities as they grow and mature, and based on its size, Henrico has fewer than half as many breaks as the national average. Join HCTV as we learn how our crews respond to water main breaks 24-7, 365 days a year.
Henrico Departments & Services
201513 minutes
You Are Not Alone: Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illness
We've all known someone with mental health challenges, whether it be a family member, coworker, friend or have had struggles ourselves. Until recently, "recovery" was seldom uttered in the same sentence with "mental illness," but times are changing. We've come a long way from the mental institutions and sanitariums of a generation ago, but the shackles of stigma still remain. In 2011, Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services launched an innovative campaign to combat the stigma of mental illness and granted HCTV full access to the process.
Community & Social IssuesHenrico Departments & ServicesMedical, Health, Fitness
201227 minutes
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