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Glen Allen Small Area Study

Project Status: Study

Magisterial District:   Brookland   Fairfield  


The Planning Department has conducted a small area study to examine what is generally considered the center of the Glen Allen area of Henrico County. This study was prompted by a general concern by citizens for preserving the area’s existing character.

The 2026 Comprehensive Plan for the county identifies Focus Areas with unique characteristics requiring special planning consideration above and beyond the land use policies contained elsewhere in the Plan. The area examined in this study would be most consistent with the Existing Character Protection Areas identified in the Plan. They are defined as corridors or neighborhoods exhibiting a distinctive natural or built character that contributes to the identity of the surrounding area or the county as a whole. They were typically identified because the protection and enhancement of their qualities would be important to the general welfare of the community.

The objective of this process is to prepare recommendations for the study area that will ensure continued high-quality development consistent with the existing village character. This information should assist the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission in their decisions concerning current and future rezoning and development applications.






Upcoming Meetings

The Planning Department will be holding a Community Open House on December 4, 2018 to receive input from the public regarding the Glen Allen Small Area Plan. The event will be held at the Glen Allen Cultural Arts Center from 5:00-7:00. It will be an open house style meeting meaning the public can come at any time during the previously mentioned hours and staff will be available to discuss the Study.


Anyone may attend and express an opinion on the Study. In addition to the digital version below, copies of the study and the recommendations for the proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan are available in the Planning Department in the County Administration Building for review between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. each business day.


Glen Allen Small Area Study Mailing List

For further information regarding this study, please contact Seth Humphreys at (804) 501-4427 or via email at [email protected].

Contact Us

(804) 501-4602
[email protected]


Physical Address
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4379

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

Additional Contact Info  


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