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Published Title & Description Type Contact
2024-07-15July 15, 2024Enterprise Zone Annual Report, 2023
The Enterprise Zone Annual Report is submitted to the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development each year summarizing activity in the County Enterprise Zone for the prior calendar year. The report is submitted via an online system. This document was compiled using the same information submitted online.
PDFPDF - Enterprise Zone Annual Report, 2023Community Revitalization
2024-03-08March 8, 20242023 Application of Force Report
This 2023 analysis will look at how and where force has been utilized as it relates to interactions with subjects by different Police Division units across the County. In this analysis, the response to resistance, or use of force, was attributed to the unit that initiated the interaction or had the primary interaction that resulted in the application of force to better identify any trends within a particular unit.
PDFPDF - 2023 Application of Force ReportPolice
2024-01-05January 5, 2024Building Permits – December 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – December 2023Building Inspections
2024-01-05January 5, 2024Trade Permits – December 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – December 2023Building Inspections
2024-01-05January 5, 2024Building Permits by Census Category – December 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – December 2023Building Inspections
2023-12-12December 12, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – November 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – November 2023Building Inspections
2023-12-12December 12, 2023Trade Permits – November 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – November 2023Building Inspections
2023-12-12December 12, 2023Building Permits – November 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – November 2023Building Inspections
2023-11-07November 7, 2023Trade Permits – October 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – October 2023Building Inspections
2023-11-07November 7, 2023Building Permits – October 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – October 2023Building Inspections
2023-11-06November 6, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – October 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – October 2023Building Inspections
2023-10-09October 9, 2023Building Permits – September 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – September 2023Building Inspections
2023-10-09October 9, 2023Trade Permits – September 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – September 2023Building Inspections
2023-10-09October 9, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – September 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – September 2023Building Inspections
2023-09-06September 6, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – August 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – August 2023Building Inspections
2023-09-01September 1, 2023Trade Permits – August 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – August 2023Building Inspections
2023-09-01September 1, 2023Building Permits – August 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – August 2023Building Inspections
2023-08-02August 2, 2023Building Permits – July 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – July 2023Building Inspections
2023-08-02August 2, 2023Trade Permits – July 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – July 2023Building Inspections
2023-08-02August 2, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – July 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – July 2023Building Inspections
2023-07-07July 7, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – June 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – June 2023Building Inspections
2023-07-05July 5, 2023Trade Permits – June 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – June 2023Building Inspections
2023-07-05July 5, 2023Building Permits – June 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – June 2023Building Inspections
2023-06-07June 7, 2023Building Permits – May 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – May 2023Building Inspections
2023-06-07June 7, 2023Trade Permits – May 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – May 2023Building Inspections
2023-06-07June 7, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – May 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by  Census Category – May 2023Building Inspections
2023-05-10May 10, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – April 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – April 2023Building Inspections
2023-05-10May 10, 2023Building Permits – April 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – April 2023Building Inspections
2023-05-04May 4, 2023Trade Permits – April 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – April 2023Building Inspections
2023-04-05April 5, 2023Building Permits – March 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – March 2023Building Inspections
2023-04-05April 5, 2023Trade Permits – March 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – March 2023Building Inspections
2023-04-05April 5, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – March 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – March 2023Building Inspections
2023-03-03March 3, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – February 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – February 2023Building Inspections
2023-03-03March 3, 2023Building Permits – February 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – February 2023Building Inspections
2023-03-03March 3, 2023Trade Permits – February 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – February 2023Building Inspections
2023-02-07February 7, 2023Building Permits – January 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – January 2023Building Inspections
2023-02-07February 7, 2023Trade Permits – January 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – January 2023Building Inspections
2023-02-07February 7, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – January 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – January 2023Building Inspections
2022-07-01July 1, 2022Approved Budget, 2022 – 2023
The approved budget is the County's annual fiscal plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors and implemented by the County Manager.
PDFPDF - Approved Budget, 2022 – 2023Finance
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