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Published Title & Description Type Contact
2023-12-12December 12, 2023Building Permits – November 2023
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – November 2023Building Inspections
2023-12-12December 12, 2023Trade Permits – November 2023
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – November 2023Building Inspections
2023-12-12December 12, 2023Building Permits by Census Category – November 2023
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – November 2023Building Inspections
2022-12-07December 7, 2022Building Permits by Census Category – November 2022
Number and value of building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month and current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30); organized by census category.
PDFPDF - Building Permits by Census Category – November 2022Building Inspections
2022-12-07December 7, 2022Trade Permits – November 2022
Commercial and residential trade permits (electrical, elevator, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, sign, amusement device, miscellaneous) issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, contractor and sub-contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Trade Permits – November 2022Building Inspections
2022-12-07December 7, 2022Building Permits – November 2022
Commercial and residential building permits issued by the Department of Building Construction and Inspections for the month; data includes job address, job information, owner and contractor.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Building Permits – November 2022Building Inspections
PDFPDF Document
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