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Published Title & Description Type Contact
2024-05-13May 13, 2024Henrico Police Multi-Year Plan | Fiscal Years 2023-2027
The information contained in this document represents the Multi-Year Plan of the Henrico County Police Division as expressed collectively by the wide variety of units that provide law enforcement, investigative, and crime prevention services to our citizens and visitors, as well as the support functions that enable us to do so.
PDFPDF - Henrico Police Multi-Year Plan | Fiscal Years 2023-2027Police
2024-04-04April 4, 2024Annual Report: Henrico Police 2023
The 2023 Henrico Police Annual Report outlines the Division's significant accomplishments from January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023. This report does not include Henrico County crime data.
PDFPDF - Annual Report: Henrico Police 2023Police
2024-03-08March 8, 20242023 Countywide Crime & Demographic Data
The following data compares county-wide and magisterial district population demographics to the demographic composition of those arrested, charged or stopped (traffic) by Henrico Police. Statistics include race, ethnicity, gender, and residency status (of Henrico County) for Custodial Arrests, Traffic Stops and Criminal Charges that occurred January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. While this data is representative, it is not exhaustive.
PDFPDF - 2023 Countywide Crime & Demographic DataPolice
2024-03-08March 8, 20242023 Application of Force Report
This 2023 analysis will look at how and where force has been utilized as it relates to interactions with subjects by different Police Division units across the County. In this analysis, the response to resistance, or use of force, was attributed to the unit that initiated the interaction or had the primary interaction that resulted in the application of force to better identify any trends within a particular unit.
PDFPDF - 2023 Application of Force ReportPolice
2023-04-17April 17, 2023Annual Report: Henrico Police 2022
The 2022 Henrico Police Annual Report outlines the Division's significant accomplishments from January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022. This report does not include Henrico County crime data.
PDFPDF - Annual Report: Henrico Police 2022Police
2022-10-25October 25, 2022Police Policy: Body Worn Cameras
Henrico Police procedures for Body Worn Cameras (BWC) digital evidence system, including the management, storage, and retrieval and dissemination of BWC recordings.
PDFPDF - Police Policy: Body Worn CamerasPolice
2022-03-21March 21, 2022Six Month Report: Henrico Police July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021
The 2021 Henrico Police Six Month Report outlines the Division's significant accomplishments from July 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021. This report does not include Henrico County crime data.
PDFPDF - Six Month Report: Henrico Police July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021Police
2022-03-21March 21, 2022Police Policy: Transportation of Persons in Custody
This document contains pages from the Police Division's Directives manual regarding transporting persons in custody.
PDFPDF - Police Policy: Transportation of Persons in CustodyPolice
2021-09-09September 9, 2021Annual Report: Henrico Police 2021
The 2021 Henrico Police Annual Report outlines the Division's significant accomplishments from July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021. Special Sections include "COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Clinics" and "Beyond the Badge." This report does not include Henrico County crime data.
PDFPDF - Annual Report: Henrico Police 2021Police
2021-04-30April 30, 2021Police Policy: Recruitment
Police policy regarding how the Division is to fill vacant positions with the best qualified applicants without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability.
PDFPDF - Police Policy: RecruitmentPolice
2021-02-16February 16, 2021Crime Statistics & Demographic Data: Henrico Police 2020
Chief of Police Eric English is ushering in an era of transparency. His goal: working together for a safer Henrico. Community members can access Crime, Use of Force, Traffic, Crash, and Demographic data on the new crime statistics section of our website.
PDFPDF - Crime Statistics & Demographic Data: Henrico Police 2020Police
2020-07-08July 8, 2020Police Policy: Strip and Body Cavity Searches
Police policy on restrictions and procedures regarding strip and body cavity searches.
PDFPDF - Police Policy: Strip and Body Cavity SearchesPolice
2020 , 2020Crime Report: Henrico Police 2019
The 2019 Crime Report contains Henrico County crime, traffic and emergency communications statistics for calendar year 2019. Part I Violent and Non-Violent Crime, historical crime trends, weapon and drug seizures, total charges as well as crime statistics by magisterial district is included.
PDFPDF - Crime Report: Henrico Police 2019Police
2019 , 2019Crime Report: Henrico Police 2018
The 2018 Crime Report contains Henrico County crime, traffic and emergency communications statistics for calendar year 2018. Part I Violent and Non-Violent Crime, historical crime trends, weapon and drug seizures, total charges as well as crime statistics by magisterial district is included.
PDFPDF - Crime Report: Henrico Police 2018Police
2019 , 2019Office of Internal Affairs: 2018 Complaint Statistics
The statistical data contained in this report represents the number of complaints (internal and external) investigated by the Henrico Police Division Office of Internal Affairs during the 2018 calendar year.
PDFPDF - Office of Internal Affairs: 2018 Complaint StatisticsPolice
2018 , 2018Crime Report: Henrico Police 2017
Henrico County crime data for 2017 calendar year.
PDFPDF - Crime Report: Henrico Police 2017Police
2017 , 2017Crime Report: Henrico Police 2016
Henrico County crime data for 2016 calendar year.
PDFPDF - Crime Report: Henrico Police 2016Police
2016 , 2016Crime Report: Henrico Police 2015
This report covers calendar year 2015 crime data in Henrico County.
PDFPDF - Crime Report: Henrico Police 2015Police
2015 , 2015Crime Statistics: Henrico County 20 Year Comparison (1995-2014)
This document compares County crime statistics from 1995 to 2014.
PDFPDF - Crime Statistics: Henrico County 20 Year Comparison (1995-2014)Police
Federal Grant Police Expenditures
This report lists police equipment obtained by the Police Division using monies from federal grants.
PDFPDF - Federal Grant Police ExpendituresPolice
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