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Published Title & Description Type Contact
2002-01-01January 1, 2002Sandston Commercial Area Study
The Sandston Commercial Area Study was completed in March 2002. The Plan provides strategies and design concepts for improvements to the Williamsburg Road corridor including streetscape opportunities, infrastructure improvements, business support, and opportunities to retain the small town character.
PDFPDF - Sandston Commercial Area StudyPlanning
1995-01-01January 1, 1995Highland Springs Revitalization Plan
The Highland Springs Revitalization Plan was one of the County’s earliest efforts to encourage the revitalization of an older commercial corridor. This plan provides a variety of recommendations for the enhancement of the commercial corridor on Nine Mile Road.
PDFPDF - Highland Springs Revitalization PlanCommunity Revitalization
Williamsburg Road/Technology Boulevard Corridor Study
On December 10, 2002, the Board of Supervisors amended the 2010 Land Use Plan to recommend land use changes within the southern intersections of I-64 and I-295 to provide opportunities for planned industries and mixed development compatible with existing land use trends in the area.
PagePage - Williamsburg Road/Technology Boulevard Corridor StudyPlanning
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