Senior Clubs & Leagues

Please call to confirm status prior to attending.

Belmont Games Club
1st, 3rd, & 5th Tuesdays. 10:30am-1pm at Belmont Recreation Center.
Ages 50+. Join us for a round of the popular game, Mexican Train. Other card games and board games are welcomed as well as new members. Information: 652-1410.

Ages 50+. Bridge players with basic knowledge of the game can join fellow players for fun and fellowship. Players rotate tables throughout the social. Bring a snack. Supplies are provided.

Thursdays. 1:30-4:30pm at Deep Run Recreation Center.
Enjoy playing Canasta? Join fellow players for fun and fellowship. Supplies are provided.

Fridays, 1-4pm at Deep Run Recreation Center.
Mahjong is a game of skill, strategy, intelligence, calculation, and luck! Bring friends or come alone and join our group! Information: 652-1430.

3rd Tuesdays & 2nd Fridays, 12-4pm at Belmont Recreation Center.
Fridays, 9am-12pm & Third Saturdays, 12-4pm at Deep Run Recreation Center.
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 12:30-4:30pm at Eastern Henrico Recreation Center.
Playing with two, three or four players and a unique deck of 48 cards, accumulate points by winning tricks or melding a combination of cards. Information: 652-1410.

Bowling League
Ages 55+. Join other senior adults in Henrico for bowling, fun, and fellowship. Mondays, 1-3pm, Shrader Lanes. Info: Betty Gleason, 755-1342.

Croquet Club
Regular play is held year-round on Thursdays at 10 a.m. and Sundays at 1 p.m. The Springs Recreation Center.  Info: Buck B

Golf Club
Ages 50+. Senior Golfers are welcome to join the group for weekly matches. Play different area courses on Tuesdays at 9:30am. Info: Bob Reardon, 400-2175.

Tennis Clubs
Ages 55+. Enjoy challenging tennis with a large dose of fun? Join these groups for round-robin style social tennis at an intermediate level of play. Both groups play at Belmont Recreation Center from April through November.

  • Net Set: Tuesdays & Fridays, 8:30-11:30am.
  • Racketeers: Mondays & Thursdays, 8:30-11:30am.

Senior Leisure Clubs
Ages 60+. Meetings consist of a discussion of club business, luncheons, guest speakers or entertainment. Each club meets on a regular basis, except during July and August.

Two senior adult women wearing red sweaters and laughing together at Friendship Cafe.

Deep Run Friendship Café
Ages 60+. Senior Connections’ Friendship Cafés are neighborhood gathering places for seniors. A nutritious midday meal is served. Enjoy meeting up with good friends and participating in diverse activities to remain active and connected to the community. The program is free; however, registration is required in advance through Senior Connections (no drop-ins). Summer schedule will be posted when available. Info: Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging (343-3000) or Recreation and Parks: [email protected].

S.A.L.T./Triad Council – Seniors and Law Enforcement Together
S.A.L.T./Triad Council is a cooperative effort and working partnership between Henrico Police, Henrico Sheriff’s Office, and senior citizens throughout Henrico. Its purpose is to develop, expand, and implement effective crime prevention and education programs for the benefit of our senior citizens and to improve the overall quality of life by making our communities a safer place to live. For more information on these programs call (804) 501-5933 or email [email protected]

Contact Us

Recreation and Parks

Physical Address
6800 Staples Mill Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-7275
Inclement Weather Hotline
(804) 501-5132

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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