Office of New Americans-Refugee Services

available in person   In Person


About Office of New Americans-Refugee Services

Our Office of New Americans-Refugee Services exists to address health issues that may influence successful resettlement, identify and intervene on diseases and conditions of public health concern, follow up on medical issues identified overseas, and refer to local medical providers for follow-up and linkage to primary care. The Henrico County Health Department (HCHD) conducts health screenings for both Henrico AND Richmond City refugee clients. To learn more about who is eligible for Health Screenings, download the VDH Office of New Americans-Refugee Services brochure. We also assist refugees with filling out the USCIS I-693 medical form for Permanent Resident (green card) applications.


There is no charge for refugee Health Screenings. Required immunizations are free for the first year.

How to Receive this Service

To schedule a Health Screening appointment: The resettlement agency/caseworker emails HCHD to request an appointment, and provides Biodata form/overseas exam records to initiate the clients’ medical record. The goal is to complete screenings within 45 days of arrival to the US, especially for school-aged children.

Caseworker & clients should bring the following to both health screening appointments:

  • Clients’ home address and phone number
  • I94 papers
  • Passport
  • Medicaid card (when available)
  • Vaccine record
  • Medical records (if available)
  • Medications taken regularly
  • Preferred pharmacy name (for faxing prescriptions)

Health Screenings are routinely completed over two appointments (up to 3 hours each), depending on family group size. HCHD emails an appt confirmation the week before the health screenings. The caseworker should reply to confirm BEFORE the appointment AND include the address, phone number, and county/city of residence (Henrico vs. Richmond). Please make sure the client does not have other commitments during their clinic appointment time frame.

The first appointment will be a Monday afternoon and will include:

  • Intake visit with nurse-vital signs, height, weight, TB screening & health history, vision & hearing tests, RHS-15 Mental Health Screening for 14 yo and up, TST for children under 2yo & stool collection kits for young children
  • Labwork -blood draw and urine test (fasting for labs is NOT necessary);
  • Encourage clients to eat and drink prior to clinic due to length of visit

The second appointment will be a Thursday afternoon and will include:

  • Physical examination by MD/NP with a review of lab results
  • Immunizations by nurse, read any children’s TST’s, process stool kits for O&P testing
  • Clients will be given a blue folder including: a copy of immunization record; immunization information sheets; labwork results; next appointment reminders; school health entrance forms for children >1 year old

After the clinic appointment:

  • Nurse faxes any prescriptions to the preferred pharmacy (may include parasite prevention medication)
  • Pharmacy will call client/caseworker to get Medicaid information and notify when prescriptions are ready
  • Caseworker may need to assist the client with getting medications
  • Medical referrals are emailed (password protected) to the caseworker/health liaison after all lab results are received and HCHD services follow up appointments are made (typically within a week). Health department follow up appts for TB, WIC, counseling, and lead programs must be done at the health department in the clients’ jurisdiction.
  • Nurse calls the caseworker with any urgent needs, and if the client’s tspot result is positive. *Positive tspots require a free chest x-ray be done asap (same or next day) to rule out active TB (contagious) vs. latent TB (not contagious)

All refugee clients should be referred to local medical providers for primary care and dental care, to ensure they have a medical home. HCHD offers support medical services and education. However, HCHD is not a primary care provider. HCHD can transfer health screening records to providers upon request, to promote continuity of care.    



West Henrico Health Department
8600 Dixon Powers Drive
Henrico, VA 23228
Main Clinic Phone: (804) 501-4651

Telephone interpretation services are available
خدمات تفسیر تلفنی موجود است
Huduma za tafsiri ya simu zinapatikana
تتوفر خدمات الترجمة الهاتفية


Amy Snearer, RN, BSN
Senior Public Health Nurse
Newcomer Health Program
[email protected]


Lorena Oskins
(804) 501-4704

Contact for green card paperwork assistance at 1 year after US arrival (offered for refugee status only), and to assist the coordinator with Health Screening appointments.




FindHello resources for Refugees and

FindHello has help and services for immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and undocumented people in the USA. Search for job advice, lawyers, healthcare, English classes, and other services near you.

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Contact Us

Amy Snearer, RN, BSN Senior Public Health Nurse Newcomer Health Program West Henrico Health Department 8600 Dixon Powers Drive Henrico, VA 23228 804-501-4533
[email protected]


Henrico Health Dept. West Clinic
8600 Dixon Powers Dr.
Henrico, VA 23228

Henrico Health Dept. East Clinic
1400 N. Laburnum Ave.
Richmond, VA 23223

Contact Center
(804) 205-3501
West End Main
(804) 501-4522
West End Clinic
(804) 501-4651
East End Clinic
(804) 652-3190

Shrader Rd WIC
(804) 501-1610
East End WIC
(804) 652-3180

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


Shrader Road WIC
7740 Shrader Rd, Suite B
Henrico, VA 23228

Additional Contact Info


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