government building icon Official government websites use .gov

A .gov website is only available to official government organizations in the United States.

email icon Email addresses now end with

The address will continue to function and all requests to ‘.us’ for both web and email will be redirected to the new ‘.gov’ address.

lock icon Secure .gov websites use HTTPS

A lock or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

East Visitation Form

This form is for Jail East visitation.  Please complete the form with as much information you can.  Please verify your email address prior to submitting the form so that we are able to contact you.  We will contact you by email and confirm your reservation day and time.

Jail East Visitation Schedule 

Times/Room Assignments

800 – 845 am3E4B7B6B8C
915 – 1000 am3D4A5A6A8B
1030 – 1115 am3F3A5B3C8A
1145 am – 1230 pmNONE62M-0162M-0262M-0362M-04
100 – 145 pm3G3C8A3H5A
215 – 300 pmNONE3H7A3A7A
330 – 415 pmNONE6A8B4A7B
445 – 530 pmNONE6B8C4B5B
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