government building icon Official government websites use .gov

A .gov website is only available to official government organizations in the United States.

email icon Email addresses now end with

The address will continue to function and all requests to ‘.us’ for both web and email will be redirected to the new ‘.gov’ address.

lock icon Secure .gov websites use HTTPS

A lock or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.


Two smartphones displaying the henrico county mobile app interface.

The Henrico County Mobile App!

The free Henrico County mobile application is available for both Android and iOS devices. In the app, you can:

  • Tap into county government services
  • View upcoming county events and recent news
  • Find information on county parks and government locations
  • Access the live streaming of Board of Supervisor meetings and recent videos
  • Find contact and general information for county agencies
  • Search the app for quick access to information
  • Receive push notifications for important county information

Available for free download at the Apple App Store and the Android Google Play Store.

iOS App Store button Google Play button



Web Applications



Active Police Calls


snapshot of Build Henrico application

Build Henrico


snapshot of Business Tax portal

Business Tax Portal


snapshot of geo data application

Geo Data


snapshot of GIS viewer

GIS Viewer


snapshot of Paymentus online payment system

Payment Portal


snapshot of public crime data access system

Public Crime Data Access


snapshot of Real Estate Data system

Real Estate


snapshot of subdivision map search system

Subdivision Map Search


snapshot of area current traffic accidents and hazards system



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