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The 'backbone of Henrico County,' centenarians saluted for their contributions, experiences and longevity

Shirley Morrow has relished the extra attention she's received since celebrating her 100th birthday in March.

“I’m in a big church [for] three services a day, and I’m like an icon at the church because there is no one else a hundred years old,” she said.

However, Morrow gladly shared the spotlight as Henrico County held its inaugural Centenarian Celebration to honor its 153 residents who have reached and, in some cases, surpassed their 100th birthdays. Also honored at the event were Frances Bailey, 101; Robert Hall, 101; Robert Polich, 100; and Laura Thomas-Rice, 104.

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Tourist spending in Henrico climbs to nearly $1.9 billion in 2023

Further growth expected with new Sports & Events Center, other facility improvements

Visitors spent nearly $1.9 billion in Henrico County in 2023 – a total that remained the highest total of any locality in central Virginia and the fifth highest in Virginia, according to an annual study for the Virginia Tourism Corp.

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‘Culmination of my parents’ dream,’ Taylor Farm Park opens in Sandston

Taylor Farm Park is now open, featuring an array of nature-centered amenities, including mist mounds, an interactive play stream, an “all-wheel” park and more.

With guests overflowing a tent on the park’s event lawn on July 16, county officials celebrated Henrico’s first new park in six years and the first large community park to open in the Varina District in 42 years.

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NOVA to add 1,000-seat mezzanine to aquatics center at Regency

Henrico announces $2.5 million grant for project that's projected to generate $20 million in annual economic activity

Since opening in 2021, the NOVA Aquatics Center at Regency has helped to develop some of the area’s most elite swimmers. It’s also hosted high school meets and community programs, including those of the Henrico Police Athletic League and the Learn2Swim program of Henrico County Public Schools.

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