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It’s game on at Pouncey Tract Park: Henrico unveils 12 new pickleball courts

An eager crowd gathered at Pouncey Tract Park on Saturday as Henrico County officials unveiled an addition to the recreation scene: 12 new pickleball courts, representing a growing passion in central Virginia for the sport. The event featured a ceremonial "first serve," celebrating the completion of the $4.4 million project, which was approved by the Board of Supervisors in August 2023. “For me, most important is the spirit of community that will continue to be embodied on these courts as young people continue to come play here or learn the sport,” Three Chopt Supervisor Misty D. Roundtree said. She added, “This is truly a sport where we see families playing together, and I love that.” The new complex has 10 standard courts and two championship courts, with all courts illuminated for evening play. The standard courts measure 34 by 64 feet, while the championship courts are larger, measuring 44 by 74 feet.

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1st communities set for Henrico Affordable Housing Trust Fund program

30 units in Parkside Townes, Discovery Ridge to be available to eligible buyers

A pair of townhouse communities are expected to be the first residential developments to qualify for Henrico County’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund program. Twenty-five units in the Parkside Townes community and five in Discovery Ridge will soon be available to first-time homebuyers who meet household income and other program requirements.

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Affordable housing program launches; several developments in review

Henrico aims to boost access to homeownership with $60 million fund

Henrico County has set the framework for its Affordable Housing Trust Fund program as an initial set of residential developments are under review for participation.

After announcing its plans in May, the Board of Supervisors established the trust fund, effective July 1, with $60 million in previously unbudgeted revenues from data centers.

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Henrico accepts operational control of Cobbs Creek Reservoir

Facility formally named in honor of retired County Manager Virgil Hazelett

Henrico has accepted responsibility for the operations of Cobbs Creek Reservoir, following a declaration Friday that construction has reached “substantial completion,” a key milestone in a 22-year project to secure the county’s long-term water needs.

The Board of Supervisors celebrated the achievement and announced the facility’s formal name – the Virgil R. Hazelett Reservoir at Cobbs Creek – in a gathering this afternoon atop the facility’s 160-foot main dam, near the James River in Cumberland County.

With its name, the 1,117-acre reservoir honors Virgil R. Hazelett, who served as Henrico’s county manager from 1992 to 2013 and guided the project during its conception and initial planning. The reservoir was first proposed in 2002, during a record drought in Virginia.

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Tourist spending in Henrico climbs to nearly $1.9 billion in 2023

Further growth expected with new Sports & Events Center, other facility improvements

Visitors spent nearly $1.9 billion in Henrico County in 2023 – a total that remained the highest total of any locality in central Virginia and the fifth highest in Virginia, according to an annual study for the Virginia Tourism Corp.

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