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Board of Supervisors

Henrico Board of Supervisors 2024

The Board of Supervisors has five members, one representing each of the County's five magisterial districts: Brookland, Fairfield, Three Chopt, Tuckahoe and Varina. Supervisors are elected for four-year terms. The Board is the policy-making body of the County.

The Board elects a chair and vice chair in January of each year. The chair presides at Board meetings and serves as the official head of County government. The vice chair assumes these responsibilities in the absence of the chair. View a historical photo gallery of past chairs  of the Board of Supervisors.

Pictured from left to right: Daniel J. Schmitt, Brookland; Tyrone E. Nelson, Varina; Misty D. Roundtree, Three Chopt; Jody K. Rogish, Tuckahoe; and Roscoe D. Cooper III, Fairfield.

Board Meetings

Live Web-Streaming

Henrico is pleased to offer live web-streaming of the regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors. You can view the meetings, or the meeting archives – held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.

What’s my Magisterial District?

Not sure what magisterial district you live in? Find out by using the Polling Place Locator.

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

(804) 501-4208

(804) 501-5361

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