County approved permit plans are required on site for all inspections including reinspections.
This WATERPROOFING/DRAINTILE inspection is required prior to concealment.
Waterproofing/draintile inspection shall be made prior to concealment. The waterproofing system and drain shall be completed for inspection. The draintile may be placed on either the interior or exterior of the foundation, located as required by item #3. The exit discharge portion of the draintile is required to be solid pipe and terminate a minimum 10′ from any adjoining property.
Foundation drains are required to discharge by gravity flow to daylight. This will be verified during the final inspection. The open end of the draintile shall be marked for the final inspection.
Draintiles are required to have a minimum of 2 inches of free-flowing gravel beneath the drain and be surrounded and covered by at least 6 inches of gravel. A filter fabric membrane must be used above and around the gravel to prevent infiltration of fine material into the draintile. Draintile which includes a “filter sock” still requires a fabric membrane above and around the gravel to prevent infiltration of fine material. The draintile is to be located adjacent to the top or resting on the concrete footing.