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Land Records Recording

available via mail   Via Mail
available in person   In Person

In order for a document to be recorded, it must be one that is authorized by law to be recorded in the Deed Book and it must meet certain statutory provisions. Recordation fees and taxes vary according to the type of document being recorded. Recording hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Documents presented after normal recording hours will be recorded the next business day.

All documents presented for recordation must be originals that have been signed and notarized with the notary seal affixed pursuant to the Code of Virginia.

Filing parties must submit a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) for the return of documents recorded in the Deed Book. Documents without a SASE will not be mailed. Recorded documents that are not accompanied by a SASE will be maintained in the Record Room for pickup.

Land Records – Cover Sheet Requirements

Pursuant to Code of Virginia § 17.1-227.1,

the Clerk’s Office exercised the option to require a Land Records Cover Sheet for all documents recorded in the Deed Book. In practice, data contained on Cover Sheets is scanned via bar code readers, thereby allowing instruments to be recorded more timely and accurately.

To create the required Cover Sheet, users must access Cover Sheet software made available at the following web site: VLRCS website .

Documents that do not include a Cover Sheet with all information accurately listed will be returned to the presenting party so that a corrected Cover Sheet may be prepared. Additional information is provided below. Questions related to procedures should be directed to the Clerk’s Office.
Phone: (804) 501-4240.

Land Records – Parcel ID Requirement

Parcel ID Numbers on Documents Presented for Recording in the Deed Book
Pursuant to §17.1-252 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, this office requires that any deed or other instrument conveying or relating to an interest in real property bear, on the first page of the deed or other instrument, the tax map reference number or numbers, or the parcel identification number (PIN) or numbers, of the affected parcel or parcels. Henrico’s standard Parcel ID Number is 10 digits. Please place the Parcel ID Number on the first page after allowing a margin pursuant to Library of Virginia standards. The Parcel ID Number should also be shown on the Cover Sheet.

To obtain a parcel ID please visit the Online Real Estate Data Website.

Land Records – Social Security Numbers on Documents Presented for Recording

Social Security Numbers on Documents Presented for Recording in the Deed Book
Pursuant to Code of Virginia § 17.1-227, this Clerk’s Office will not knowingly accept any instrument submitted for recordation in the Deed Book that includes the social security number of a grantor, grantee, or trustee.

Land Records – Subdivision of Land – Plat Recordation

Before recording a Subdivision Plat in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office, a Subdivision Plat must be approved by the Planning Office. Contact the Planning Office at 804-501-4602 for further information.

Effective September 1, 2021

Note: Subdivision of land is regulated by the Henrico County Subdivision Ordinance and requires that a subdivision be recorded whenever a lot, tract, or parcel of land is divided or for the dedication of a public road.

Recording Fee for Subdivision Plat is $25 per page.


Recording of Land Records – Recording Fees

See the Supreme Court of Virginia’s site for a Deed Calculation Tool to assist in determining recording costs for documents to be recorded in the Deed Book. To determine applicable fees using this tool, select Henrico Circuit Court and enter the requested information for the document(s) to be recorded.

Payment is accepted in Cash, Check, VISA, or MasterCard. An ATM is located on the first floor of the courthouse. A 2% convenience fee is charged for card transactions. Any questions should be directed to the Record Room at 804-501-4249.

As of January 1, 2020, pursuant to Virginia Code Section 17.1-258.3:1 a $5.00 per instrument fee for every land record filed by paper will be assessed.


Henrico Circuit Court Clerk’s Office launches property title alert system

The Henrico Circuit Court Clerk’s Office has created an alert system that will allow residents to register to receive an email notification after the filing of any document related to their home or other real estate.

The alert system is free, optional to use and designed to give residents an opportunity to confirm the validity of any court filings that may affect their property, Circuit Court Clerk Heidi S. Barshinger said. Registration is available at

Under Virginia law, the Clerk’s Office must record all documents that are presented for recordation if they meet the requirements for execution and recordability in the county’s deed book. The clerk has no authority to reject such documents, even if they are suspected to be fraudulent.

If a property owner questions the legitimacy of a filing, they may visit the Record Room to view the document. Mailed copies may be purchased by calling (804) 501-4249. By law, copies are 50 cents per page. The Record Room is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, and is located on the second floor of the Henrico County Courts Building, 4309 E. Parham Road.

Clerk’s Office staff are unable to provide legal advice if, for example, fraud is suspected, Barshinger said. In these instances, residents are encouraged to contact a real estate attorney and/or law enforcement for assistance.

Contact Us

Record Room
(804) 501-4249

Circuit Court Clerk

Delivery Address
4309 E. Parham Road
Courthouse Bldg, Rm 240
Henrico, VA 23228

General Information
(804) 501-4202

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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