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Criminal Cases in Circuit Court

available in person   In Person

General Information

The Criminal Division of the Circuit Court handles all felony cases, misdemeanor cases originating by Grand Jury action, as well as misdemeanor appeals from the General District and Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts. Traffic infractions are handled by the General District Court, which is a separate entity with its own Clerk’s Office. Only when traffic cases are appealed from the General District or Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court do they fall under the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court. Therefore, before contacting the Circuit Court to inquire about the status of a traffic infraction case or pre-payment of a traffic fine, it is important to ascertain beforehand which Court has jurisdiction. This will prevent any unnecessary delay in processing. Unlike the District Courts that have separate traffic dockets, the Circuit Court integrates traffic infraction appeals into its criminal docket.

Please be advised that the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office cannot provide information regarding criminal charges or case dispositions over the telephone or via e-mail.


Criminal Case Court Costs, Fines, And Payment Information


View Criminal Case Information



Contact Us

Circuit Court Clerk

Delivery Address
4309 E. Parham Road
Courthouse Bldg, Rm 240
Henrico, VA 23228

General Information
(804) 501-4202

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


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