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Drop-off Recycling Centers

available in person   In Person

The County maintains 12 recycling centers throughout Henrico that allow residents to bring glass bottles and jars, metal cans and foil products, #1 or #2 plastic bottles, newspapers, and mixed paper. These centers are located at many of the County’s fire stations and other locations described below.

View a map of locations of all the Drop-off Recycling Centers.

Drop-Off Recycling Center Rules

  • Recycle only newspaper, white paper, junk mail, cardboard, and beverage containers at these facilities.
  • Please collapse and flatten all cardboard boxes and place them in the containers so they do not clog up the container openings. This allows patrons room for their recycling.
  • Place all recyclables in the proper container.
  • Do not leave anything (recyclables, refuse, etc.) on the ground. This causes blowing litter and is a problem for our neighbors.
  • We do not accept styrofoam, foam packing materials, or foam peanuts. Please place these packing materials in your household trash and dispose of them as you do your other refuse.
  • These facilities are for recycling only and not for disposal of trash. This hurts our recycling program and costs us all money. Please dispose of your refuse properly.
  • Taking materials that are dropped off for recycling is a violation of the county code.

Contact Us

Public Utilities

(804) 501-4275
Phone After Hours (Emergency Only)
(804) 501-5025

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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