Keep Henrico Beautiful


Keep Henrico Beautiful offers County residents of all ages litter prevention and recycling programs, environmental education resources and volunteer opportunities.

The Keep Henrico Beautiful Committee was organized in 1980 for the purpose of improving the environmental quality of Henrico County through the development of a comprehensive educational program to reduce litter and littering. The County Board of Supervisors appoints members and the committee is comprised of citizen volunteers representing the five magisterial districts within the County. The executive coordinator, who is a full-time County employee in the Department of Public Utilities, provides staff support to the Committee.


Agencies We Partner With


Land Lovers Series, in partnership with Keep Henrico Beautiful

Saturday, February 22nd 

Composting with Nope
Tuckahoe Library, 11am – 12pm

Ryan Owenby of the NOPE Compost Company presents composting as a practical and environmentally friendly way of handling yard and kitchen waste and improving soil conditions in your garden. 60 min.

Wednesday, March 26th

Propagating Native Plants
Gayton Library, 6pm – 7pm

Brad Davis from Davis Natives will demonstrate techniques for growing natives from seed and cuttings and discuss how to support local wildlife with ecosystem-friendly plantings. 60 min.

Friday, April 18th

Dragons and Damsels, Oh My!
Tuckahoe Library, 2pm – 3pm

One of the most diverse Odonata (dragonfly and damselfly) populations in all of North America reside in Virginia. Master Naturalist Cindy Andrews educates on how to identify our local species and provides resources on life cycles, physical adaptations, roles in the ecosystem, and preservation strategies. 60 min.

School Yard Clean-up

School Yard Cleanup Supplies – Interested in getting your students outside to do a cleanup?  Please click on the image below.


Check out CVWMA’s virtual trip to TFC’s Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in Chester, Virginia.

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Mailing Address
PO Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

[email protected]

(804) 501-4502

(804) 501-7395

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