- Adult Mental Health Recovery Services - Services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness are based on evidence that major mental illness are brain diseases, which result in chronic illness. Symptoms are often life long, causing impairment in the persons' thought process and their ability to function in expected daily life activities, including employment, independent living and interpersonal relationships. Eligibility require- ments include a diagnosis of serious mental illness accompanied by poor social and occupational functioning and a history of or expectation of persistence of the illness over time. With appropriate treatment, rehabilitation and support, individuals can live successful lives in the community.
- Adult Substance Use - This program serves individuals over the age of 18 who are addicted to or abuse alcohol and/other drugs.
- Alarm Security System Registration – Commercial - Henrico County's Alarm Ordinance requires registration of security alarm systems for businesses and residences.
- Alarm Security System Registration – Residential - Henrico County's Alarm Ordinance requires registration of security alarm systems for businesses and residences.
- Alarm-False Alarm Bill Payment - Pay your bill for a false alarm fee or reinstate emergency response to your security alarm at your business or residence.
- Amusement Device - Application for an amusement device permit.
- Application for Blasting Permit - Application for blasting and requirements.
- Application for Fireworks Permit - Application for Fireworks permit in Henrico County
- Application for Fumigation Permit - Application for fumigation and requirements.
- Application For Open Burning Permit - Application for open burn permits and guidelines.
- Apply for a Job - Apply for employment at the County of Henrico.
- Apply for a Park Event Permit - A permit is required to hold outdoor events on Henrico County park property. Events may be held during regular park hours; parks are open daily from dawn to dusk year-round.
- Apply for Permit to Work in Right-of-Way (ROW)
- Apply to be a Foster Parent - Foster Care is a service provided to families that are experiencing a major crisis or difficulty in parenting such as abuse, neglect, substance abuse, mental health issues, stress, and/or lack of family support.
- Ask a Librarian - The askHCPL information service allows you to ask brief, factual questions of HCPL staff and receive your response through text or email, or live chat when available.
- Assumed and Fictitious Names (Business Names) - Before applying for a business license through the County of Henrico Finance Department, business owners must register the business name with the Clerk of the Virginia State Corporation Commission if the business will be operating under an assumed or fictitious name.
- Bagged Leaf Collection - Curbside bagged leaf pickup will begin on November 4, 2024 and continue through February 8, 2025. Department of Public Utilities’ staff will tour each area 2 times throughout the scheduled pickup season.
- Bank Franchise Tax - The bank franchise tax is an annual tax measured by the net capital of a bank.
- Because We Care Adoption Program - This program offers citizen volunteers the opportunity to become proactive in the fight against litter throughout Henrico County.
- Because We Care Evaluation Form - Fill this form out and submit after completing your organization's cleanup.
- Because We Care Supply Request Form - If you are doing a project for Keep Henrico Beautiful and need supplies, please fill out the form and submit to us.
- Become A Deputy - Basics of a Sheriff's Deputy job duties and applicant requirements
- Become a Henrico Master Gardener Volunteer - Henrico Master Gardeners are trained volunteer educators. They work within their local communities to encourage and promote environmentally sound horticulture practices through sustainable landscape management education and training.
- Become a Student Election Page - Become a Student Election Page
- Become a Volunteer - The Henrico County Volunteer Program offers opportunities for individuals to volunteer time and services to County departments and outside community partners through volunteering.
- Become an Election Official in Henrico County - To help ensure the integrity of the Election Process on Election day , we need Election Officials in Polling Locations. Please consider applying today!
- Become an Intern - Henrico County's Internship Program offers students learning and professional experience in a variety of areas.
- Bill Pay Service Provider - Payment option using a bill pay service provider.
- Blue Public Hearing Sign?? - Did you happen to see a big blue sign with the County Seal and the words “Public Hearing”? The sign indicates that a property owner has applied for rezoning, a use permit, or a variance.
- Board of Supervisors Meeting Participation Registration - Register to participate in Board of Supervisor meetings during the public comment period and public hearing items.
- Building Inspections for Fire Safety - The Division of Fire performs business inspections. Neighborhood Fire Stations perform a basic business inspection.
- Building Inspections Records (FOIA) - Request Building Inspections information, such as inspection reports, copies of plans and permit data.
- Building Permit – Commercial - Applications and forms needed for a commercial building permit, plan review comments and permit resubmittals (new buildings, alterations/additions, moving, demolition, tenant upfits, tents and trailers).
- Building Permit – Residential - Applications and forms needed for a residential building permit, plan review comments and permit resubmittals (new houses, renovations/additions, moving, demolition, decks, porches, sheds, garages & swimming pools).
- Bulky Waste Collections - Bulky Waste Curbside Collection Services are available to any Henrico County resident through TurboHaul, Inc.
- Business and Commercial Services - Henrico Police provides support to business owners through Community Officers, programs, and resources.
- Business License - Application for Business License
- Business Personal Property Tax - Business Personal Property Tax
- Business Tax Filing and Payment Portal - Manage Business Taxes (renewing, filing and payment options). Business taxes cover many areas including Business License, Meals Tax, Business Personal Property, and Misc. Taxes.
- Business Watch Program - A working partnership between local businesses and Henrico Police, the goal of Business Watch is to reduce crime in and around the workplace as well as in the community.
- Call the Horticulture Helpline for answers to your Lawn & Garden Questions! - A team of trained Master Gardeners are available to help answer gardening and pest questions, and solve problems using current research-based information.
- Change of Use & C/O Reissue - Application for a change of use or certificate of occupancy (C/O) reissuance.
- Child Safety Seat Check-up - By appointment only, learn from the experts about correct child safety seat installation and more.
- Child Victim Investigations: Navigating the Unthinkable - Detailed steps and information on what to expect, in general, during the course of an investigation in which a child is victimized.
- Citizen Complaint Form (Fire) - The Henrico County Division of Fire is proud to provide internationally accredited Fire and EMS services to the citizens of Henrico County and its visitors. The Division of Fire strives to treat all people with respect, empathy, and politeness.
- Citizen Compliment Form (Fire) - The Division of Fire annually recognizes employees who have gone “above and beyond” at our Awards Ceremony and your submitted compliments help us with that recognition process.
- Citizens and Senior Citizens Police Academy - Have you ever wondered what it's like to be the person behind the badge? Enroll in one of our Citizens Police Academies to find out!
- Civil Celebrants - A civil celebrant is a person authorized by the Circuit Court to perform and officiate a legal marriage ceremony.
- Civilian Fire Academy - The Henrico Civilians Fire Academy invites individuals over 18 to join our dynamic program. Enrollment requires a mandatory criminal background check. Additionally, we warmly welcome Henrico County employees and their spouses to be an integral part of this valuable experience.
- Clean Business Award Nomination Form
- Communication Survey - Survey on how public wants to receive communication from the county.
- Community Cleanup Program - Find if there is a Community Cleanup scheduled near you.
- Community Development Associates Program - Learn more and apply to be a Community Development Associate.
- Community Policing - Learn more about Henrico Police Community Services section, its Community Policing unit and who your community officer is.
- Community Presentations - You may request an officer or crime prevention specialist to speak at or attend your next meeting or event. We offer a variety of topics and programs to choose from.
- Community Resource Guide - The Community Resource Guide provides solutions to crime and quality-of-life concerns in your community.
- Compliment a Henrico Police Officer/Employee - Formally compliment a Henrico Police Officer or Employee
- Concealed Handgun Permits - Concealed Handgun Permits are regulated by the Commonwealth of Virginia and issued by the Circuit Court Clerk.
- Conservation Poster Contest - Provides kindergarten through twelfth grade students and opportunity to share their thoughts about soil, water and other natural resources through art.
- Contest Parking Ticket - The owner of a vehicle may contest the parking violation in Court.
- Copy Requests of Public Records - You may obtain copies from the Henrico Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of any public record such as deeds, plats, wills, judgments, court orders and marriage licenses.
- Create a Business Emergency Plan - Henrico County Emergency Management & Workplace Safety (EMWS) has developed these templates to help State licensed facilities meet the requirement for developing Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP).
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) - Learn how the Division applies CPTED principles to new and existing development in Henrico County to increase safety and help prevent crime.
- Criminal Cases in Circuit Court - The Criminal Division is responsible for the indexing, processing and maintaining of all Felony, Certified and Appealed Misdemeanor and Appealed Traffic cases. In all of these cases, the Commonwealth of Virginia is the Complainant. The person charged with the offense is the Defendant.
- Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) - Crisis Intervention Team is a community partnership bringing together first responders and area stakeholders for the common goals of safety, understanding, and caring for the needs of the mentally ill and their families.
- Curbside Recycling - Curbside recycling program offered to Henrico residents by Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA)
- Demolition Permit - Application for a Demolition Permit.
- Developmental Services - Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services is committed to delivering high quality services. Programs are licensed by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services. Professional staff includes case managers, intellectual disability specialists, clinical social workers, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and prevention specialists. Extensive supervision and consultation is provided to all staff and professional development is required. Ongoing evaluation of programs is conducted to assure high quality services.
- Divorce - In civil cases of a domestic relations nature, the Circuit Court has exclusive jurisdiction in divorce and annulment matters, including property settlement/equitable distribution of marital assets. Matters involving child support, custody, and visitation may or may not originate in the circuit court, depending on various factors.
- Dog License - A dog license is required for dogs four months of age or older unless the dog is used as a service dog. Licenses must be obtained no later than 30 days after a dog turns four months old or within 30 days of the expiration date on the license receipt. Kennel licenses are due on January 1st and no later than January 31st of each year and are paid annually.
- Don’t Guess, Soil Test! - A soil test can provide information on the proper amount of lime and fertilizer to apply to your lawn, garden and other areas of your landscape.
- Donations to the Fire Prevention Fund - Donations to the Fire Prevention Fund or property for training purposes.
- Drop-off Recycling Centers - Drop-off recycling centers are located throughout the County at most fire stations and the public use areas at the Charles City Road and Springfield Road Landfills.
- Election Result – Henrico County - To access Election Results
- Electrical Permit - Application for an electrical permit (commercial and residential) including residential solar panel permit and inspection requirements.
- Elevator Permit - Application for an elevator permit (commercial and residential).
- Emergency and Non-Emergency Communications Education Program - Learn about Henrico County's non-emergency and emergency (911) communications center and the Communications Officer profession.
- Emergency Information Links - Additional information for citizens on preparing for emergencies.
- Emergency Message to Inmate - How to get an emergency message to an inmate at Jail West or Jail East.
- Emergency Preparedness Presentation Request - The Henrico County Department of Emergency Management and Workplace Safety (EMWS) strengthens emergency preparedness by working with residents, homeowner’s associations, civic groups, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, and businesses throughout the county.
- Employment and Day Services - We offer a continuum of services through our state accredited facilities and in the community at large such as supported employment, group employment including enlcaves/mobile work crews and sheltered employment at a workshop and skills building training programs.
- Employment with Health Department
- EngAGE in Henrico: Resources for Older Residents - Connecting individuals 60+ to services offered within the local County departments and in the region.
- EngAge Newsletter Sign-Up - Sign up for Henrico County's EngAge Newsletter.
- Enterprise Zone Program - Business located within the Henrico Enterprise Zone are eligible for financial and other assistance from both the County of Henrico and the Commonwealth of Virginia for business expansion and improvements to business property.
- Envirothon - Envirothon is a natural resources competition for high school students.
- Event Presentation Request Form - If you are having an event and would like Keep Henrico Beautiful's Executive Director to attend, please fill out the request form and submit to us.
- Exotic Animals - In addition to the county Zoning Ordinance, Henrico follows state law regulations regarding exotic animals. These laws apply in Henrico and are subject to change.
- Faith Community Coalition - The Faith Community Coalition is a crime prevention program designed for those mainly in the administrative level in Henrico's faith community, but all are welcome.
- Family Planning Clinic - Our family planning services are designed to help men and women know their options for planning future pregnancies and preventing unplanned pregnancies.
- Felony and Appealed Misdemeanor Case : Payment Information - If convicted of a Felony or Misdemeanor offense in the Henrico Circuit Court, costs will be assessed against the defendant as well as any court imposed fine. All costs are assessed pursuant to the Code of Virginia. Fines and/or costs are expected to be paid at the time of conviction unless a payment plan is established. The Criminal Division does accept personal checks, money order, Visa, MasterCard and cash.
- File a Building Violation Complaint - Report buildings or structures in disrepair, overcrowding, work taking place without required permits or graffiti that is visible from the public right of way.
- File a Civil Case in General District Court - Civil cases are brought to enforce, redress, or protect the private rights of an individual, organization or government entity.
- File a Civil Case in the Circuit Court - In civil cases where monetary claims range from $4,500 to $25,000, the Circuit Court has concurrent jurisdiction with the General District Court. Monetary disputes involving more than $25,000 fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Circuit Court.
- File a Claim - The division of Risk Management handles all claims for personal injury and property damage asserted against the County.
- File a Non-Family Protective Order
- File a Report Online: Duty Officer Reporting System - In 2025, the Henrico County Police Division launched an online reporting system called “Duty Officer Reporting System” (DORS). This is an opportunity for citizens to file police reports via the internet for certain incidents. Please note, if this is an emergency or crime in progress, please call 911.
- File a Zoning or Environmental Complaint - File a zoning ordinance violation complaint.
- File Complaint Against Police Officer/Employee - File a formal complaint against the Henrico County Police Division, an officer or employee.
- Financing Statements
- Find an Internal Audit Report on County Operations - Reports issued by the Internal Audit department to County leadership which are reviewed with the Audit Committee.
- Find Your HCPS School - Use an address to find the current Henrico County Public School assignments.
- Fingerprints - Get fingerprinted for employment or any other need dictated by law, except for Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) purposes.
- Fire / EMS Reports - Obtain copies of Fire and EMS reports.
- Fire Apparatus Visit/Demo - Residents may request that an engine come out for an event such as a community day or block party.
- Fire Education Programs/Firefighter Speaker Request - Request to have a firefighter speak at your group meeting and request information on fire programs such as the Junior Firefighter Program, Life Safety Program, and more.
- Fire Explorers Post 651 - The purpose of these programs is to provide experiences to help young people mature into responsible and caring adults. These programs emphasize: career opportunities, life skills, citizenship, character education, and leadership experience
- Fire Hydrants - Fire hydrants in Henrico County are the responsibility of the County's Department of Public Utilities (DPU). They Perform all installation, maintenance and testing of hydrants.
- Fire Protection System Permit - Application for a fire protection system permit. This permit includes fire sprinkler systems and alternative fire suppression systems, fire pumps, commercial fire alarm or detection systems, kitchen hood systems, underground fire lines and other fire protection equipment or devices for commercial and residential uses.
- Fire Station Visit / Tour - Information about visiting a fire station and taking a tour of the fire station.
- First Time Homebuyers – Downpayment and Closing Cost Assistance - Financial assistance with downpayment and closing costs for qualified first-time, low and moderate income homebuyers is available for Henrico residents purchasing a home in Henrico County.
- Food Vendor Application for Henrico County Properties - This is an application to acquire the permission to sell food on Henrico County properties.
- Foodservice Permit Application - Before opening a new or extensively remodeled foodservice facility or transferring ownership, the foodservice operator must obtain a foodservice permit from the Henrico County Health Department.
- Free Mulch - Free Mulch is available at our two public use areas
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Environmental Site Assessment - Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) records requests pertaining to Phase I Environmental Site Assessments can be submitted through numerous avenues.
- Funeral Escort Request – Form - Request form - Police escort for a funeral procession.
- Fuzz Buddy Program - Donate a new stuffed animal to support this program.
- Garden Talks – Do You Need a Speaker? - The Henrico Extension Office offers presentations to interested garden clubs, civic organizations, homeowners associations, and other community organizations in Henrico County.
- Girl Scout Patch Programs - Patch programs on soil and water conservation for Girl Scouts
- Hauling Permit - Hauling Permit process.
- Have a Document Served - How to have a civil process document served by a deputy
- Henrico Area Water Quality Samplers (HAWQS) - Henrico Area Water Quality Samplers is a Henricopolis citizen water monitoring program.
- Henrico CERT Member Volunteer Hours - CERT event volunteer hours recorded.
- Henrico CERT Training - The Henrico County Community Emergency Response Team (HCCERT) actively supports Henrico County residents by promoting community preparedness efforts. HCCERT volunteers prioritize ensuring their families, friends, and coworkers are ready for disasters before they happen. To achieve this goal, volunteers develop critical skills, including basic first aid, triage, fire safety, utility control, and light search-and-rescue techniques.
- Henrico County Emergency Alerts - Henrico Alert is one of the many tools that Henrico County Public Safety officials can use to notify you of critical information like evacuation notices to missing child alerts
- Henrico County Public Schools
- Henrico County Television (HCTV) - Watch HCTV programs online or on Comcast Ch 17 or Verizon Ch 2139.
- HENRICO FIRE COMMUNITY SAFETY TRAINING - Quarterly safety training for any age to receive training in Fire or EMS.
- Henrico Investment Program (HIP) - Business located within the Henrico Investment Program area are eligible for financial and other assistance from the County of Henrico for business expansion and improvements to business property.
- Henrico Police Apartment Coalition (HPAC) - The Police Division invites all multi-family housing community managers and owners to join HPAC.
- Henrico Police Athletic League (PAL) - Support, join, or volunteer for this program that serves Henrico County youths in grades K-12.
- Hire an Off-duty Police Officer - Request to hire an off-duty officer for your event, program, religious facility, business, traffic direction, etc.
- Home or Business Security Audit - You may request a free Security Audit of your home or business to learn how to make it more secure and to prevent crime.
- Homeowner Association Lookup - Does your neighborhood have a Homeowners Association (HOA)? Use the Lookup feature to examine the boundaries of an HOA and identify common areas. If you have any questions or comments about the Lookup call 501-4757.
- Homeowner Rehabilitation and Repair Assistance - Assist current homeowners with improvements to their homes with both minor and emergency repairs and moderate rehabilitation.
- Homeowner’s Enhancement Guide - The Homeowner’s Enhancement Guide is a means to help property owners envision an improved and more comfortable home for the future.
- Immunization Clinic - Childhood and select adult immunizations available by appointment.
- Infant & Toddlers Services - Babies begin to learn and develop from the moment they are born. Some babies and children may need more help to learn than others. The Infant & Toddlers Services help children who are not developing as expected or who have a condition that can delay typical development. Some children need help in only one area of development such as speech or motor skills, while other children may have more general delays due to conditions such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, or problems related to premature birth.
- Inmate Care Packages - How to send a care package to an inmate
- Inmate Medical Services - Inmate medical services
- Inmate Personal Property Exchange - Personal property guidelines and clothing exchange for inmates.
- Inmate Virtual Visitation-Jail East - Inmate Virtual Visitation at Jail East
- Inmate Virtual Visitation-Jail West - Inmate Virtual Visitation at Jail West
- Intercultural Liaison Partnership - The Henrico Police Intercultural Liaison Partnership (ILP) is designed to strengthen relationships with Henrico County’s culturally-diverse communities. The Division's goal is to build trust within these communities by learning from one another and breaking down barriers. We want to ensure every member of every community knows Henrico Police is here to support them and promote their safety.
- Join Henrico 4-H! - 4-H provides a large variety of educational learning opportunities and experiences. Leadership, citizenship, and life skills are taught through learn-by-doing projects, local club programs, and 4-H camps, as well as at county, district, state, and national events.
- Join the SMART Lawns Program - The SMART Lawns program is on hiatus for 2024. Please check back April 2025!
- Judgments
- Jury Duty
- K-5 Teacher Workshop - Free workshop offered to Henrico County elementary teachers by the Henrico Environmental Educators Network.
- Land Lover Award Nomination Form
- Land Records Recording - The Circuit Court Clerk’s Office records deeds, deeds of trust (mortgages), and other official instruments/documents associated with land transactions.
- Land Use Program - Title 58.1-3230 through 3244 of the Code of Virginia provides for the assessment of land based on use value rather than market value. Use value is the assessment of the land for a specific purpose and is generally lower than market value. This is a local option statute adopted by Henrico County in 1976. The requirements for qualification and use values are established by the State Land Evaluation Advisory Council.
- Landlord Authorization Form - This form is to be filled out by landlords who rent to a person that is applying for water/sewer service.
- Landowner and Agricultural Producer Services - The District provides assistance for agricultural practices that protect and improve water quality of Virginia's streams and rivers.
- Lead Service Line Replacement Program - Henrico County is committed to providing safe drinking water to all residents. We do this by reducing the risk of lead and other metals getting into water service lines or household plumbing.
- Leak Adjustment Request
- Legacy Review Comment and Plan Requests
- Library Card Applicaton - Library cards are good at all of the Henrico Library branches including the Mobile Library Services.
- Library Catalog - Search the Library Catalog
- Local Government 101: Henrico’s Youth Educational Program - The program includes an interactive presentation, meet and greet with county officials, and educational activities. Students and scouts will be given participation forms and additional material to help them accomplish their assignments or badge requirements.
- Lodging Facility/Pool Complaint Form - Complaints about a lodging facility or pool in Henrico County, Virginia can be submitted to the Henrico County Health Department by calling (804) 501-4529 or by completing the form below and submitting it. Please be as specific as possible when describing the complaint. Your name, address and phone number are required for investigation.
- Lodging Permit Application - Before opening a new or extensively remodeled lodging facility (hotel, Bed & Breakfast, Campground, Summer Camp) or transferring ownership, the lodging operator must obtain a lodging permit from the Henrico County Health Department.
- Long Term/Personal Care Assessment Services - If you or someone in your family needs nursing facility care or personal care in the home and cannot afford the cost, you may be eligible to have this service covered by Medicaid. You can apply for Medicaid online or at your local Department of Social Services.
- Maps and Aerial Photographs - Henricopolis maintains a collection of resource maps and historical aerial photographs.
- Marcus Alert Database - The Marcus alert is a voluntary database to be made available to the 9-1-1 alert system and the Marcus alert system to provide relevant mental health information and emergency contact information for appropriate response to an emergency or crisis.
- Marriage Licenses - Information on how to obtain a marriage license in Virginia.
- Maternity Care
- Meals Tax - The meals tax is levied on food and beverages sold by restaurants.
- Meaningful Watershed Education Experience - Our newest classroom program in which students focus on an environmental question, problem or issue.
- Mechanical Permit - Application for a mechanical permit (includes commercial and residential for mechanical and elevator).
- Medicaid - A jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people. It covers children, the aged, blind, and/or disabled and other people who are eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments.
- Mental Health and Substance Use Prevention - Henrico Area Prevention Services supports individuals, family, and community strengths by reducing the influence of risk factors and increasing protective factors.
- Mental Health Services - Many mental health problems experienced by adults arise in response to family crises, unusually high stress, and traumatic events. Brief adult services provide a variety of therapeutic services for adults experiencing severe psychological and/or interpersonal difficulties. Services are provided in individual and group therapy format. Since interpersonal relationship problems are frequently present, spouses and other family members may also be involved in treatment
- Military Discharge DD-214
- Mobile Food Unit Permit Application - A Health Permit is required for Class II, III, and IV Mobile Food Units before they can be licensed to operate.
- Modification Request - Request for modification of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC).
- Mosquito Inspection Form - Complimentary mosquito inspections are offered to help find the source of mosquito problems on residential and commercial properties.
- My Henrico Academy - My Henrico Academy (MHA) is a free, interactive learning program. Participants attend seven sessions from May to November that provide the opportunity to learn about county governance, meet county leaders, and learn about Henrico programs and services. Henrico County is committed to supporting all communities in how they live, work and play. Graduating participants can take what they learn about how the county government works, the resources that are available, and the contacts they make and become ambassadors by sharing that information within their communities.
- Name Changes - Henrico County residents can apply at the Henrico’s Circuit Court Clerk’s Office for a personal name change.
- Natural Resources Classroom Programs - SOL-based classroom programs are offered as a service to Henrico County students- public, private and homeschooled.
- Neighborhood Watch - Join Neighborhood Watch to become part of this citizen-police crime fighting partnership.
- Notary Public Commission
- Office of New Americans-Refugee Services - Our Office of New Americans-Refugee Services exists to address health issues that may influence successful resettlement, identify and intervene on diseases and conditions of public health concern, follow up on medical issues identified overseas, and refer to local medical providers for follow-up and linkage to primary care. The Henrico County Health Department (HCHD) conducts health screenings for both Henrico AND Richmond City refugee clients.
- Online Payments - Henrico County accepts electronic payments for personal property taxes, real estate taxes, utility bills, parking tickets, false alarm fees, planning fees, building inspection fees and elevator certificate fees.
- Online Tax Assistance Request
- Online Tax Bills - You can also safely and securely view your bill online, consolidate your tax bills into one online account, set up notifications and reminders to be sent to your email or mobile phone, schedule payments, create an online wallet, and pay with one click using credit/debit or your checking account.
- Opioids: Overdose Prevention
- Organize a Litter Clean-Up - Help us with our Keep Henrico Beautiful program.
- Pari-Mutual Betting Tax - Off-Track Betting or Pari-Mutual Betting Fees tax began in Henrico County December 10, 1996, with the opening of the Off-Track Betting (OTB) facility at 9127 W. Broad St, Henrico, which is split by the County/City line.
- Pay by Mail - Payment option for bills or taxes by mail.
- Pay by Phone - Payment option for bills or taxes by phone.
- Pay in Person - Payment option for bills or taxes that are paid in person.
- Pay Near Me - The County has partnered with PayNearMe to offer an easy and convenient cash payment option.
- Pay Utility Bill - The Henrico Department of Public Utilities bills customers for water and sewer services bi-monthly.
- Permit – Adult Business - An Adult Business Permit is required to open an adult oriented/adults only business in Henrico County.
- Permit – Block Party - If you want to hold a block party in your neighborhood, a permit is required.
- Permit – Dance Hall - Dance Hall Permit Application
- Permit – Parade/Marathon - Parade or Marathon Permit Application
- Permit – Pawnbroker - To become a pawnbroker in Henrico County, you must meet certain requirements and get a permit.
- Permit – Precious Metals and Gems Dealer - Precious Metals and Gems Dealer Permit Application
- Permit – Retired Henrico Police Officer Concealed Weapons Renewal - Retired Henrico Police Officer Concealed Weapons Permit Renewal Application
- Permit – Taxi - Taxi Driver Permit and/or Taxicab Owner Permit
- Permit/License – Automatic Weapons - Applications must be obtained from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The Division of Police only assists by conducting a local investigation.
- Personal Property Tax Relief (PPTRA) - The State of Virginia has allocated funds to provide tax relief for qualifying vehicles in the County of Henrico. The amount of tax relief is based upon the total dollars from the Commonwealth divided by the total tax of all qualifying vehicles in the County.
- Plans of Development and Site Plan - A Plan of Development (POD) and Site Plan are detailed engineering plans for multi-family, commercial, and industrial projects that contains all of the essential details necessary to construct site improvements. The POD and Site Plan process is designed to coordinate the numerous reviews and recommendations of all applicable Henrico County, State and Federal agencies. This integrated process is managed by the Planning Department and coordinated with County and certain external agencies.
- Plant Native! Festival Vendor Application - Vendor application Plant Native! Festival
- Plumbing Permit - Application for a plumbing permit (commercial and residential).
- POD, Site Plan and Subdivision Review - This is a schedule of filing deadlines and expected action dates for administrative plan reviews.
- Police Reports, Records and Freedom of Information Act - The Henrico Police Criminal Records Unit provides the public with a variety of police records and oversees Freedom of Information Act requests.
- Police Ride-Along Program - Designed to promote a greater understanding of the police officer's role in the community, the Henrico Police Ride-Along Program is available to community members interested in working or getting involved in law enforcement.
- Polling Location Information - Find Polling Location, Voting Precinct Information, Elected Officials, Driving Direction to Polling Location, Election Sample Ballot
- Portable Water Meters Application - This application will allow customers to apply for portable water meters.
- Pre-Application Meeting for Conditional Use Permit or Variance - A pre-application meeting is optional for conditional user permits or variances.
- Pre-Application Meeting for Plans of Development, Site Plans, and Subdivisions
- Pre-Application Meeting for Rezoning and Provisional Use Permits - A pre-application meeting is a required step in the Rezoning, Conditional Rezoning, Provisional Use, and Planned Development processes
- Probate & Estate Administration - The Code of Virginia grants the Clerk of the Circuit Court the authority to Probate a Will, to appoint and qualify an Executor or Administrator for a Decedent’s Estate, to appoint and qualify a Testamentary Trustee, to qualify a Conservator and/or a Guardian for an Incapacitated Adult.
- Probate Record Request
- Project Lifesaver Information Change Request - This service is to update Caregiver or Client contact information changes.
- Project Lifesaver Service Request - How to get more information and/or apply for Project Lifesaver services.
- Protective Orders - There are three types of stalking/serious bodily injury protective orders: Emergency, Preliminary, and Permanent Protective Orders. An Emergency Protective Order (up to 72 hours) can be issued by a magistrate or a police officer. (If a warrant is issued for assault and battery against a family or household member and the magistrate finds there is probable danger of further acts of family abuse by the defendant, the magistrate is directed to issue an emergency protective order.)
- Provide a Website Suggestion - Our web team welcomes suggestions on improving the usability of the website.
- Public Library Room Request - The Henrico County libraries have reservable spaces to meet, collaborate or to study and create on your own.
- Public Safety Cadets Program - Prepares young adults, ages 14-20 for careers and leadership in the public safety profession.
- Public Use Areas for Disposal - Henrico County operates two Public Use Areas for disposal of household trash and recyclable materials from households located in Henrico County.
- Publications and Brochures - Natural Resource publications for the general public
- Rabies Vaccination for Domestic Animals - Have your pet vaccinated at one of our four clinics held annually.
- Rape and Sexual Assault Investigations: Navigating the Unthinkable - Detailed steps and information of what to expect, in general, during the course of a rape or sexual assault investigation.
- Real Estate Advantage Program (REAP) - The Real Estate Advantage (REAP) is a tax exemption for qualified seniors, residents that are 100 percent permanently and totally disabled, and their spouses which relieves real estate tax up to a maximum of $3,200.
- Real Estate Assessment Appeal - Formal reconsideration of an assessment is warranted if the property owner believes the assessed value is in excess of or below fair market value, is based on incorrect property information, or is inequitable when compared to similar properties.
- Real Estate Cap Program (RECAP) - An initiative to help qualifying homeowners with their real estate taxes.
- Real Estate Tax Exemption Disabled Veterans - Disabled Veterans Tax Exemption of Real Estate Taxes
- Refuse Collections - Refuse collections is only offered to selected service areas of the County.
- Register for a Recreation Program - The Division of Recreation & Parks offers a variety of classes and programs for all ages.
- Reinvest – Tax Abatement Program for Rehabilitated Structures - Information on possible tax exemption of renovations or additions to residential properties.
- Report a Pothole - Report a pothole.
- Report a Spill, Dumping or Other Illicit Discharge - This is a non-emergency spill reporting form. To report a spill, please fill out this form with as much information and details as you can.
- Report Criminal Fraud in Henrico
- Report Government Fraud, Waste or Abuse - Information related to suspected fraud, waste, or abuse in the County of Henrico General Government operations.
- Report Sign, Sign Posts or Pavement Marking Needing Maintenance - Report sign, sign posts or pavement marking needing maintenance.
- Reporting Tax Violation - If you suspect that one of the following tax violations has occurred, use this system to report this information to our staff.
- Reporting Water Main Breaks - If you suspect a water main break, please contact us.
- Reporting Water Meter Leaks - If you suspect a water meter is leaking, please contact us.
- Request for Guardian/Conservator Appointment for an Incapacitated Adult
- Request General Publications - Request publications you would like to receive by mail.
- Request GIS Data - Henrico County has a robust enterprise-wide GIS. Henrico shares this information and has made efforts to provide a variety of data formats.
- Request installation of new sign or pavement markings - Request installation of new sign or pavement markings.
- Requests for Bond Increase or Decrease
- Reserve a Picnic Shelter - Reservation requests are available for park shelters.
- Reserve a Recreation Facility - Hosting a birthday party, family reunion, wedding, anniversary celebration, or a group meeting? Consider reserving one of our recreation centers - beautiful spaces and great rates!
- Restaurant Complaint Form - Complaints about a restaurant in Henrico County, Virginia can be submitted to the Henrico County Health Department by calling (804) 501-4529 or by completing the form below and submitting it. Please be as specific as possible when describing the complaint. The Health Department does not accept anonymous Food Service complaints other than sewage backup or a facility without water. Your name, address and phone number are required for investigation.
- REVIVE! and Rapid Revive! Training - REVIVE! trains individuals to be prepared for, recognize, and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone.
- Rezoning and Provisional Use Permit - The power for localities to regulate land uses, given to it by the Commonwealth, includes approval of zoning changes in the form of a rezoning and expansion of uses through the Provisional Use Permit process. Applications can be made through Build Henrico, and forms and process documents can be found on our website. Depending on the type and other aspects of the case, not all of the forms will be needed.
- Road Work Requests/Complaints - Road Work Requests/Complaints
- SARA Title III / Tier II - SARA Title III Information and Tier II reporting
- Scholarships - College scholarships offered to students planning to study one of the environmental sciences.
- Search Arrest Charge Reports - Search the arrest reports.
- Search Calls for Service Reports - Search for all Calls for Dispatch.
- Search Incident Crime Reports - Find out where crimes have been reported in Henrico County.
- Send Mail or Make a Call to an Inmate - How to send mail, or make a call to an inmate at Jail West or Jail East.
- Send or Receive Money for an Inmate - How to send money to an inmate or receive money from an inmate.
- Senior Services - The Police Division offers several services and programs to seniors to help keep them safe from becoming targets of the latest crime or scam.
- Sewage Disposal and/or Water Supply Permit - Apply for onsite sewage disposal system in Henrico County.
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Clinic - Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections is provided at the Henrico Health Department East Clinic. Free, confidential HIV testing and counseling also is available.
- Shared Mobility Device Permit - The demonstration project places certain restrictions on the operation and renting of these devices in order to ensure the safety of County residents.
- Short-Term Rental - Forms and general information regarding the legal operation of a short-term rental within the County of Henrico.
- Sign Permit - Application for a sign permit.
- Signup for HenricoNews, Word on the Street & H.E.A.R.T. E-letters - Signup for HenricoNews weekly email letter, Word on the Street DPU/DPW monthly email and the H.E.A.R.T. environmental email letter.
- SMART Scapes - Master Gardener teams educate homeowners on best management practices for a beautiful, healthy and sustainable landscape. This includes a focus on conservation practices to restore and protect our local watersheds, reducing the use of water, fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides.
- Smoke Alarm Assistance - Residents may request assistance to have a working smoke alarm.
- Soil Test Program - In order to promote the practice of soil testing, Henricopolis has established a soil test incentive program to offset the cost of soil analysis for Henrico County residents.
- Student Government Day - Students from each of our high schools fill the roles of general government and school administrative officials on one special day each year.
- Subdivisions - A Subdivision plan is a detailed engineering plan for residential projects that contains all of the essential details necessary to construct site improvements. The Subdivision process is designed to coordinate the numerous reviews and recommendations of all applicable Henrico County, State and Federal agencies. For certain residential development, such as townhouse or R-5A, the review process is integrated with the Plan of Development (POD) process. This integrated process is managed by the Planning Department and coordinated with County and certain external agencies.
- Submit a Sample to the Plant Diagnostic Clinic - Professional staff and Master Gardeners in our Diagnostic Lab identify insects, plants, plant diseases, and weed problems, offering the latest management methods along with background and life cycle information.
- Substance Use Treatment & Recovery - Empowering Substance Use Recovery and Inspiring Connection
- Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) - SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities.
- Surviving Spouse - Tax exemption for surviving spouses of military service members killed in action.
- Tag N Tow Program - Henrico County’s Community Maintenance Division, along with the Division of Police, are required to act upon any inoperable or abandoned motor vehicle parked on a public right of way, such as on the side of the road or in a median.
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - A program that provides cash assistance and supportive services to assist families with children under age 18, helping them achieve economic self-sufficiency.
- Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (C/O) - Application for Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (C/O).
- Temporary Foodservice Permit - All persons serving food to the public must have a permit for each temporary event.
- Temporary Use Permit - Administrative review of a one-time special event or a use such as tents, fencing, trailers, stages, that will be removed at the conclusion of the event.
- Traffic Complaints - If you have complaints about motorists that speed through your neighborhood or other traffic safety issues, there are steps you can take to correct these situations.
- Traffic Violation Payments
- Tree Seedling Program - A free program to give Henrico County citizens tree seedlings.
- Trespassing Enforcement Authorization - This form is used to authorize the Henrico County Police Division to serve as persons lawfully in charge of your property located in the County of Henrico for purposes of enforcing the trespassing laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the County of Henrico, Virginia and forbidding others from trespassing on your property.
- Tuberculosis (TB) Program - TB program provides services to Henrico residents of all ages that are TB suspects, TB cases, contacts of TB cases, symptomatic of TB, and evaluation of positive TB skin tests, positive IGRA (Interferon Gamma Release Assay) or abnormal chest x-ray suggesting TB.
- U-Visa and T-Visa Certification Applications - The U-Visa and T-Visa certification applications may be certified by law enforcement for nonimmigrant status individuals who are victims of certain crimes and who are currently assisting or have previously assisted law enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of a crime, or who are likely to be helpful in the investigation or prosecution.
- Unidirectional Water Main Flushing - Water main flushing is needed to maintain high water quality in the water distribution system by the removal of accumulated sediment from the water mains because it can impair water quality.
- Urban Stormwater Management at Henricopolis Soil & Water Conservation District - Henricopolis is able to assist homeowners on best management practices for urban conservation. Reach out for more information on reducing stormwater runoff on your property and for other helpful resources.
- Vacuum Leaf Collection
- Victim / Witness Assistance Program - If you have been the victim of a crime or have witnessed a crime, your participation in the criminal justice process is important. The legal process, frequently long and complicated, often fails to address the unique needs of victims. However, our advocates are available to make sure that these needs are addressed.
- View Circuit Court Online Records
- Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) - Urban cost-share program that provides financial incentives to property owners installing eligible Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Virginia Judicial System Court Self Help / Recursos en Espanol - This site provides neutral legal information only as a public service by the Virginia Access to Justice Commission for self-represented litigants. Judges and clerks of court may have a local practice that is not reflected on this website. Always check with your local court about its procedures. This site does not take the place of an attorney, and cannot advise you on strategy or tell you what to say in court. Please note that only an attorney representing you can provide legal advice. Visit the Find a Lawyer page for more information.
- Vital Records - Birth, Marriage, Divorce and Death Certificates
- Volunteer with the Medical Reserve Corp
- Volunteers in Policing (VIPs) - Volunteer opportunities are available with the Police Division from administrative to motorist assistance.
- Voter Registration - Register to vote in Henrico County
- Warrant Letters - Since the 1990s, the Henrico County Police Division’s Records Management Section has worked with the Henrico County Sheriff’s Office’s Warrant Services Unit to notify defendants that an arrest warrant has been issued for their arrest.
- Water, Sewer & Refuse Collection Application - Water, Sewer, and Refuse Collection services are available in different areas of the County. Refuse Collection is an optional service where available.
- Women, Infants & Children (WIC) - The Virginia WIC Program serves low-income pregnant, lactating and postpartum women and children up to age five.
- Youth & Family Case Management - Youth and Family Case Management is a service designed to achieve and maintain the stability of youth within the community by assessing their needs, linking them to needed services, coordinating with any involved service providers, and monitoring their overall progress.
- Youth & Family Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement Training - Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) is a trauma-informed way for any adult to interact with any child or teen in any environment and with a multitude of child populations, ages 2-18.
- Youth & Family Individual and Family Therapy - Our licensed therapists work with youth to address mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, trauma, mood and emotional dysregulation, and many other complex issues facing youth today.
- Youth & Family Mentoring and Job Development - Youth and Family Services offers therapeutic mentoring for teens who are either transitioning from a higher level of care or are working on interpersonal and life skills in the community and/or school.
- Youth & Family Multisystemic Therapy Services - MultiSystemic Therapy (MST) is an evidence-based practice, with extensive statistical data to prove its effectiveness for treating youth with significant behavioral disorders. MST is a family and home-based treatment that focuses on improving youth functioning in their natural settings – home, school, and community.
- Youth & Family Outpatient Substance Use Program - Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services uses a Recovery Based Model in providing substance abuse use education, individual, family, and group treatment.
- Youth & Family Support Partner (FSP) Services - We offer FSP Family Support Partner services to caregivers of children who would benefit from the guidance and support of an individual with their own lived experience.
- Youth Conservation Camp - A week long summer conservation camp for Virginia high school students on the campus of Virginia Tech.
- Youth Conservation Leadership Institute - A Community Service program for Henrico High School students.
- Youth Police Academy - One week each summer, Henrico County students, ages 14-17, can experience what it's like to be a Henrico Police Officer in the Henrico Youth Police Academy.
- Zoning Appeals Applications (Variances/Conditional Use Permits/Appeals) - The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) is appointed by the Circuit Court to provide relief from the zoning regulations in certain circumstances. The following applications may be granted based upon specific criteria found in the Code of Virginia (e.g. for variances, whether the zoning ordinance would unreasonably restrict the use of the property; for conditional use permits, whether the request is consistent with the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance and will not a have a detrimental impact on nearby property). Extraction operations must also comply with county regulations, as well as with regulations administered by the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy. The BZA also hears appeals when a property owner believes they have been aggrieved by a decision of the Planning Director or other County official in the administration of the zoning ordinance.
- Zoning Confirmation Letter - A zoning confirmation letter is a written statement of the zoning regulations, permitted uses, and development approvals related to a parcel of land. They are frequently requested by lenders or others involved in a commercial real estate transaction who need written assurance that the property complies with all local land use regulations.