Board of Supervisors
Special Meeting
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Board Meeting Webex Event
6:00 p.m.
View guidance on speaking to the Board during the Public Comment Period. If you have an urgent need to get a copy of any of these documents before that time, please call the Board Office at 501-4436. For summaries of past meetings, look at our Agend-O-Grams. Subscribe to receive notices when Board Agendas are published.
The Agenda and Résumé (summary) for our next Regular Board Meeting is now available on line at:
Guidance for Board of Supervisors Meetings
The Tuesday, October 22, 2024, meeting of the Board of Supervisors will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room, Administration Building, Henrico County Government Center, Parham and Hungary Spring Roads, Henrico County, Virginia. The meeting will be livestreamed at and the public will be able to participate remotely.
Individuals who would like to speak during a public hearing or the public comment period can sign up at After registering, individuals will receive a confirmation email with instructions.
Registration is not required to participate. Individuals interested in speaking also may go online to the Webex Event (link at top of page) when the meeting begins. A moderator will prompt participants when it is their turn to comment; each speaker will be given five minutes. Participants who register in advance will speak first.
The meeting is open to the public. Individuals who would like to speak in person during a public hearing or the public comment period will give their comments from the lectern in the back of the Board Room.
Speaking on Webex
To have a more successful audio experience in the board room, we strongly suggest:
- Eliminate background noise. Please make sure the TV and any other noise in your background is turned off.
- If available, use headphones while speaking to cut down the feedback from the computer speakers being picked up in your microphone.