Henrico County Events

Soulful Sunday 2022    

Eastern Henrico Recreation Center 1440 N. Laburnum Avenue, Henrico, VA, United States

Centering and Supporting Youth Voices and Choices            From their first arrival in 1619, Africans & African Americans have contributed to and shaped our nation's culture in countless ways. Their traditions reflect through art, music, food, religion, and most of all, the convictions of hope, determination, and courage. They have left […]

Fairfield Constituent Meeting

Eastern Henrico Recreation Center 1440 N. Laburnum Avenue, Henrico, VA, United States

Topics: A, B, Cs of Planning and Henrico County Bond Referendum  Join Fairfield Supervisor Frank Thornton and Deputy County Manager for Administration Brandon Hinton for a presentation on the county’s 2022 bond referendum, a part of the upcoming general election. Also, County Planner IV Rosemary Deemer and Planning Commissioner Chris Archer will explain the county’s […]

Event Series Youth Empowerment Series

Youth Empowerment Series

Gayton Branch Library 10600 Gayton Rd., Henrico, VA, United States

Henrico County Mental Health and Developmental Services is proud to announce the launch of a new community-building and empowerment group for gender diverse youth and their families.  Starting on September 13th, we will bring in guest speakers of diverse backgrounds to share about their journeys, their careers, their communities, and their passions. The speakers are […]

Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing

Henrico Western Government Center 4301 E. Parham Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Board Room - Public Hearing to review variances (i.e., setback requirements), and conditional use permits. Current Agenda

Tuckahoe Town Meeting -Afternoon

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topic: Henrico County Bond Referendum  Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon, County Manager John Vithoulkas and Deputy County Manager for Administration Brandon Hinton for a presentation on the county’s 2022 bond referendum, a part of the upcoming general election. Absentee voting begins on Friday, Sept. 23. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Send questions in advance […]

Tuckahoe Town Meeting – Evening

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topic: Henrico County Bond Referendum  Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon, County Manager John Vithoulkas and Deputy County Manager for Administration Brandon Hinton for a presentation on the county’s 2022 bond referendum, a part of the upcoming general election. Absentee voting begins on Friday, Sept. 23. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Send questions in advance […]

Movie in the Park: Luca

Meadow Farm Museum at Crump Park 3400 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA, United States

Join us for an outdoor showing of Luca. Bring a lawn chair, blanket, flashlight, and your family. Movie will begin at 7:00 pm. Viewing will be on the field next to the Parsons Community Center at Meadow Farm. Concessions available for purchase.

Varina Community Conversations

Henrico Theatre 305 E. Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA

Topic: Varina Update & Henrico County Bond Referendum  Join Supervisor Tyrone Nelson and county leaders as they share updates on county projects in the Varina District. Topics include speeding, trucks, gun violence, developments, recreation & parks and the county’s 2022 bond referendum, a part of the upcoming general election. Send questions in advance or submit […]

Varina Community Conversations

Seven Pines Elementary School 301 Beulah Rd, Sandston, VA, United States

Topic: Varina Update & Henrico County Bond Referendum  Join Supervisor Tyrone Nelson and county leaders as they share updates on county projects in the Varina District. Topics include speeding, trucks, gun violence, developments, recreation & parks and the county’s 2022 bond referendum, a part of the upcoming general election. Send questions in advance or submit […]

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Henrico Western Government Center 4301 E. Parham Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Board of Supervisors meetings can be viewed live from your computer, and all agendas and recording of meetings are archived. If you wish to speak at this Board meeting during the public comment period, please fill out the Meeting Participation Form. Webex Event Link and Guidance for the Board of Supervisors Meeting

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