Nineteen voting precincts are handling an issue with the Voting Pollbooks by using provisional ballots which will be counted as regular ballots.
When Henrico County polls opened this morning at 6 am, it was discovered 954 of the County’s 199,724 registered voters were inadvertently assigned to precincts that were adjacent to their correct precinct. The affected voters were immediately identified, and all votes cast by these voters on provisional ballots will be counted as regular ballots.
The precincts affected are:
- Maude Trevvett
- Adams
- Belmont
- Fairfield
- Ratcliffe
- Wilder
- Three Chopt
- Derbyshire
- Gayton
- Maybeury
- Mooreland
- Skipwith
- Welborne
- Cedar Fork
- Chickahominy
- Highland Springs
- Montrose
- Nine Mile
- Pleasants
The polls are open until 7 pm. For general voting information, visit the Voter Registration and Elections website at