Henrico residents can get a firsthand, comprehensive look at county operations and services at the 2015 Henrico Citizens Academy, scheduled for six sessions in April and May.
The free, 15-hour program will take place from 6:30 to 9 p.m. each Thursday from April 23 to May 28. Residents can register at connect.henricorecandparks.com beginning Monday, March 23. They also can sign up at the Division of Recreation and Parks office in the Human Services Building, 8600 Dixon Powers Drive.
The academy is open to 35 residents, with space reserved for seven individuals from each of Henrico’s five magisterial districts. Participants must be 18 or older. Residents placed on a waiting list from the 2014 academy will be offered a position in the upcoming program.
Classes are led by Henrico officials and staff and take place at a different county facility each week. Classes typically feature a presentation and discussion, facility tours, equipment demonstrations and other activities. Topics include community and economic development; human services; public safety; libraries, finance and recreation and parks; and schools.
“Local government has a more direct impact on the lives of residents than any other level of government,” said Deputy County Manager for Administration Joseph P. Casey. “The Citizens Academy gives our residents insight into the full scope of operations and services Henrico County provides every day.”
Casey noted that academy alumni will have the opportunity to remain engaged and provide further assistance to the county.
For more information call (804) 501-4370 or email [email protected].