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Charles Marston named director of Real Property

Charles E. Marston has been appointed director of Real Property for Henrico County, effective Dec. 19.

Marston joined the county’s Real Property Department in 2018 as a real property agent and was recently named acting director, following the retirement of Steve Price. Marston previously worked as a real estate appraiser in the Hanover County Assessor’s Office and as a Realtor and residential property manager for Joyner Fine Properties. 

Marston holds a bachelor’s degree in real estate and urban land development from Virginia Commonwealth University. 

As director of Real Property, Marston will lead an office with a seven-member staff and a $467,200 budget for fiscal 2020-21. The director of Real Property is responsible for planning and supervising the administration of the county’s real estate program, including general government and schools. The office handles the acquisition and sale of property and works with departments to acquire easements, rights of way and sites for schools, libraries, fire stations, parks, roads, utilities and other facilities. 

Marston and his wife, Jamie, live in Hanover with their two sons, Everett and Luke.

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