Henrico Extension to offer water-testing clinic for residents on private wells

The Henrico County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension is offering a three-part clinic to help residents test the water in their wells, springs and cisterns for potentially harmful contaminants.

After registering online for the Virginia Household Water Quality Program, participants will pick up their testing kit from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, June 7 or Monday, June 10 at the Extension Office in the Human Services Building, 8600 Dixon Powers Drive.

Henrico County Testing Clinic Poster For Wells And Other Private Supplies

Participants will collect and then drop off their water samples from 8 to 10 a.m. Wednesday, June 12 at the Extension office. In late July, they will receive their confidential test results by mail or email plus a link to a virtual presentation explaining how to interpret the findings.

The samples will be tested at Virginia Tech and will include an analysis of the presence of iron, manganese, nitrate, lead, arsenic, fluoride, sulfate, pH, total dissolved solids, hardness, sodium, copper, total coliform bacteria and E. coli bacteria.

“Wells and other private water supplies are unregulated in Virginia,” said Kimberly Edmonds, Henrico Extension’s unit coordinator and extension agent for Family and Consumer Sciences. “Residents are encouraged to test these water supplies regularly and follow up with appropriate maintenance to ensure their water remains safe for consumption and use. Henrico Extension is pleased to partner with Virginia Tech to offer an affordable, confidential program that provides this valuable information and guidance to our residents.”

The cost to participate in the clinic is $70 per water sample, with registration and payment due by noon Friday, May 31.

For more information, call (804) 501-5160. For more information, go to wellwater.bse.vt.edu.

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