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Henrico’s inaugural Active Aging Week Walk & Fitness Forum on Thursday to empower older residents to stay healthy and active

The free event will take place from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Oct. 3. During the event, attendees can walk the outlined track, participate in fitness demos or health education sessions. Attendees will also have the opportunity to meet with health- and fitness-focused providers to learn about services and ways to remain healthy, social and active in their community. Takeaway resources will be provided, and attendees will be entered into a drawing to win raffle prizes.

The event is a partnership between Henrico’s Advocate for the Aging, the Henrico Division of Recreation & Parks and the nonprofit organization Senior Connections, with sponsorships from Dominion Energy and VCU Health.

Anyone 50 and older is encouraged to register by contacting the Advocate for the Aging at (804) 501-5065 or [email protected].

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