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Tag: Henrico Theatre

Big Bang Boom

A fun show for the entire family! This pop/rock music group plays parent-friendly children’s music including your favorites as well as their original songs for kids. Bring your young rockers […] Continue reading Big Bang Boom

A Christmas Carol

Christmascarolvtm App
The Virginia Theatre Machine presents their 30-minute, two-person production of “A Christmas Carol” outside in front of Henrico Theatre prior to the arrival of Henrico’s Holiday Express Tour. Dress warmly […] Continue reading A Christmas Carol

Kozy Cats

Kozy Cats Group Shot
This dance band is known for their jamming music and fun times for the young at heart. Don’t miss this Henrico Theatre debut concert full of Soul Music and Classic […] Continue reading Kozy Cats

Akoma de Gado

Akoma de Gado presents African Thread, American Tread This production will display certain dances and rhythms that have sustained black folk throughout the diaspora for centuries. Living in America presents […] Continue reading Akoma de Gado
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