Published Title & Description Type Contact
2024-03-26March 26, 20242023-2024 Amended HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
The HOME-ARP Allocation Plan is submitted to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to solicit funds toward the development of affordable housing for the four qualifying populations as described in the HOME-ARP Notice. The plan describes how the County intends to use its allocations of HOME-ARP funds and how these funds adhere to HUD regulations. This document is also embodied within 2021-2022 Annual Consolidated Community Development Action Plan.
PDFPDF - 2023-2024 Amended HOME-ARP Allocation PlanCommunity Revitalization
2023-02-16February 16, 2023HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Public Hearing Presentation
This slide deck was presented on February 16, 2023, for the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan public hearing held at Fairfield Library. These slides are a portion of the information shared at this public hearing, and served as a way to initiate public comment and discussion. If there are questions or comments about this slide deck, please submit them via email to [email protected] or by calling (804) 501-7640.
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