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Published Title & Description Type Contact
2023-11-16November 16, 2023State of the County 2023
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
VideoVideo - State of the County 2023County Manager's Office
2022-11-16November 16, 2022State of the County 2022
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
PDFPDF - State of the County 2022County Manager's Office
2021-12-09December 9, 2021State of the County 2021
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
PDFPDF - State of the County 2021County Manager's Office
2020-12-04December 4, 2020State of the County 2020
PDFPDF - State of the County 2020County Manager's Office
2019-12-04December 4, 2019State of the County 2019
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
PDFPDF - State of the County 2019County Manager's Office
2018-12-07December 7, 2018State of the County 2018
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
PDFPDF - State of the County 2018County Manager's Office
2017-12-08December 8, 2017State of the County 2017
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
PDFPDF - State of the County 2017County Manager's Office
2017-01-23January 23, 2017State of the County 2016
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
PDFPDF - State of the County 2016County Manager's Office
2016-01-11January 11, 2016State of the County 2015
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
PDFPDF - State of the County 2015County Manager's Office
2015-01-12January 12, 2015State of the County 2014
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
PDFPDF - State of the County 2014County Manager's Office
2014-01-16January 16, 2014State of the County 2013
The State of the County is an annual update on Henrico County’s economic and fiscal status, development, projects, and community services. This presentation is given by the County Manager to business associations, community organizations, and attendees of magisterial district town hall meetings throughout the county.
PDFPDF - State of the County 2013County Manager's Office
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