How do I obtain a dog license?
A dog license is required of all dogs over the age of four months and covers the calendar year from January 1 to December 1. Dogs used to assist impaired persons (such as sight dogs) are exempt from licensing. Read more about dog licenses, including locations for purchasing. Or, call (804) 501-4678 for more information.
Do cats have to be licensed in Henrico?
No, not at this time. Additional information can be obtained by calling the Cashier’s Office at (804) 501-4678, located at the Administration Building, Government Center, 4301 East Parham Road.
When is the next rabies clinic?
The Animal Protection Unit is proud to provide the citizens and pets of Henrico County with its Rabies Shots Clinics four times annually. For more information, please see the Animal Protection Unit.
Where do I call concerning a dead animal in the road?
Contact Police Non-emergency number (804) 501-5000, to report the dead animal.
Where do I call about the stray, abandoned dog in my yard/neighborhood?
You need to call (804) 501-5000, the police non-emergency number.
Is it against the law for people to allow their dogs to run loose?
Sec. 5-29. – Unlawful acts; animals running at large.
Dogs running at large. It is prohibited for any dog to run at large within the county at any time during any month of the year. For the purposes of this subsection, a dog shall be deemed to run at large while roaming, running or self-hunting off the property of its owner or custodian and not under its owner’s or custodian’s immediate control. A dog shall not be deemed to be running at large if it and its owner or custodian are within a county-designated off-leash, fenced dog exercise area. Any owner who permits his dog to run at large in the county shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of this subsection.
Does Henrico have a leash law?
No, Henrico’s control ordinance does not require the dog to be on a leash, but it does require animals to be under the custodian’s immediate control at all times.
What happens to animals picked up while roaming free?
Once the animal(s) have been recovered by Animal Protection, they will be taken to the Animal Shelter located at 10421 Woodman Rd. Glen Allen, VA 23060. Please call (804) 727-8800 for more information.
How do I go about surrendering an animal to the Animal Shelter?
You will need to call the Animal Shelter (804-727-8800) during its operating hours and make an appointment to bring the animal in to surrender ownership to the county.
Is there a limit on the number of pets I can own in Henrico?
Yes, by law a residence/household can have no more than four adult pets (defined as four months of age or older), of any variety. However, it may be possible to obtain a Conditional Use Permit (through the county’s Finance Department) to allow a private kennel.
What should I do if I know that a neighbor is violating the law by having more than four adult pets?
You can either call the Community Revitalization hotline at (804) 501-4757 or you can fill out the Online Complaint Form.
How do I report an animal bite?
Call the Police Non-emergency number at (804) 501-5000.
What can I do about a neighbor’s dog barking too much?
The county code is: Sec. 10-68. – Prohibited noises enumerated.
Noisy animals: Allowing any animal to cause any sound or noise such that it is plainly audible.
Inside the confines of the dwelling unit, house or apartment of another person at least once a minute for ten consecutive minutes; or At 100 or more feet from the animal at least once a minute for ten consecutive minutes.
However, this prohibition shall not apply to animal sounds or noises arising between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on the premises of any commercial kennel, animal boarding place, small animal hospital, veterinarian hospital, or veterinarian clinic, as those terms are defined in chapter 24, or any county animal shelter.
Are there any special regulations specific to certain breeds of dogs, such as pit bulls?
No, there are no regulations concerning specific breeds.