Electrical Permit
For all other electrical installations, follow the instructions below for Build Henrico permitting instructions. Go to our Electrical Services permitting instructions for electrical installations, alterations and repairs performed after August 30, 2021.
Build Henrico Permitting Instructions
- Register for and login to your customer account on the Build Henrico website.
- Select “Permits” on the Build Henrico home page.
- Select “Electrical Permit” under Trade Permits to create your permit application and follow the online application instructions. Upload the following applicable documents to be included with your permit application:
- Electrical Plans** – Power distribution, lighting, panelboards, overcurrent protection, electrical fixtures & equipment, etc.
- Owner’s Affidavit – Statement that applicant is either the owner or owner’s agent, i.e., exempt from being a licensed contractor
- Site Plan (Plot Plan)** – Location of proposed work on property
** not required with electrical permit applications associated with single family dwellings
Residential Solar Systems Installations and Inspections Policy
Go to Help Using Build Henrico for additional information, tutorials and presentations.
Legacy Permitting Instructions
Please email, mail or hand deliver the following documents along with the permit fee to the Department of Building Construction and Inspections:
Permit Application – Commercial
1 copy of Electrical Permit Application (please fill in Master Tradesman Card No., Master Tradesman Signature, Master Tradesman Printed Name and Virginia Contractor’s License No.)
2 copies of electrical plans (if not approved under the building permit)
Permit Application – Residential
1 copy of Electrical Permit Application (please fill in Master Tradesman Card No., Master Tradesman Signature, Master Tradesman Printed Name and Virginia Contractor’s License No.)
1 copy of Owner’s Affidavit if owner is acting as contractor
Permit Amendment
1 copy of Electrical Permit Application with AMEND in the description of work
Additional permit fee is required if there is additional estimated cost
Permit Cancellation
1 copy of Request for Permit Cancellation
Note: You must enter a reason for the cancellation. If a refund is requested, you must add the request to the reason for cancellation. The refund rate is 100% if the permit has not been issued, or 75% of the permit fee if the permit has been issued.
Legacy Documents
Electrical Permit Application
Owner’s Affidavit
Request for Permit Cancellation
Electrical Amendment Form
Residential Solar Systems Installations and Inspections Policy
The fee for an electrical permit is based on the cost of labor and material for the electrical installation or alteration. The current fee is calculated as follows:
Commercial new or existing: $100 for the first $5000 of estimated cost + $7 per additional $1000 or fraction thereof. In addition to the permit fee, there is a 2% state levy. The total fee owed at the time of application is the permit fee plus the state levy (permit fee times .02). A permit fee calculator is available at https://henrico.gov/bldg/fees/fee-calculator-commercial/.
Existing one- and two- family dwellings: $100 for the first $5000 of estimated cost + $6 per additional $1000 or fraction thereof. In addition to the permit fee, there is a 2% state levy. The total fee owed at the time of application is the permit fee plus the state levy (permit fee times .02). A permit fee calculator is available at https://henrico.gov/bldg/fees/fee-calculator-residential/.
New one- and two- family dwellings (flat fee): $100 + 2.00 (2% state levy) = $102.00
When is an electrical permit needed?*
- Installation of wiring and equipment that operates at 50 or more volts
- Network powered broadband communications systems
- Installation located in a plenum
- Installation that penetrates fire rated or smoke protected construction
- Installation that is a component of any of the following (Please note that a mechanical permit is needed for any fire protection system or elevator installation/alteration. An electrical permit may be needed in addition to the mechanical permit.)
- fire alarm system
- fire detection system
- fire suppression system
- smoke control system
- fire protection supervisory system
- elevator fire safety control system
- access or egress control system or delayed egress locking or latching system
- fire damper
- door control system
When is an electrical permit not needed?*
Replacement of the following in Groups R-2 where serving a single dwelling unit and in Groups R-3, R-4 and R-5:
- General use snap switches, dimmer and control switches
- 125 volt – 15 or 20 ampere receptacles
- Luminaires (lighting fixtures)
- Ceiling (paddle) fans
*This is not a comprehensive list. Please call the Department of Building Construction and Inspections at (804) 501-4360 with any questions.