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Fire / EMS Reports

fill out online form   Online
available via mail   Via Mail
available via fax   Via Fax
available in person   In Person

Procedure for obtaining a Fire Report

The Division of Fire completes a basic fire report for all incidents that we respond to. This report contains information such as: location of the incident, time of the incident, the primary unit, and a brief description of the incident. The Division of Fire requests the completion of a Fire Report Request Form (pdf) to obtain a copy of this report, or  you may call our receptionist at (804) 501-4900.  You can fax a completed request form to (804) 501-4642.

The fire report may be faxed, mailed or picked up in person. If you plan to pick up this report in person, you may come to the Public Safety Building at 7721 East Parham Road between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. – Monday through Friday (excluding county holidays). Please call (804) 501-4900 beforehand to arrange a time with the receptionist. The Division cannot guarantee a report will be available on your arrival without prior notification. Reports are not released from the fire stations.

The Division of Fire does not charge a fee for obtaining copies of these reports.

Procedure for obtaining an Emergency Medical Transport Report

The Division of Fire completes a state required PPCR (Pre-Hospital Patient Care Report) for all medical calls. These reports are considered “Medical Reports” and require strict procedures to protect our patients privacy.

Reports are not released from the fire stations.

If you were a patient and you are in need of a copy of your report: A patient or legal guardian may request his/her own EMS report by contacting the Division’s Quality Assurance Coordinator at [email protected] or (804) 501-7490. Please have available the following information: incident date, incident location, and approximate time of incident.
EMS reports must be picked up in person with a photo ID. Prior arrangements must be made with the Quality Assurance Coordinator. The Division is not able to guarantee a report will be provided if prior arrangements are not made.

If you are an attorney requesting a copy of your clients EMS report:

An attorney may request a copy of his/her clients EMS report. This request must be made in writing and must include the following information: incident date, incident location, approximate time of incident, and the patient’s name. A signed Medical Release Form must be attached to the request letter.

Attorney requests are to be mailed to:

Henrico County Division of Fire
Attention: Kelly Schaaf
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

If the parameters of your request fall outside the above guidelines, please call the Quality Assurance Coordinator at (804) 501-7490 to assist you.  Email: [email protected]
If one of the county’s volunteer agencies cared for and/or transported you to a medical facility those requests for records should be directed to them. The Henrico County Division of Fire does not maintain copies of their reports.

Contact Information:

  • Lakeside Volunteer Rescue Squad – (804)226-7498
  • Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad – (804)282-9581

Henrico County does not charge a fee for Emergency Medical Services or transportation to a medical facility.

Henrico County does not charge a fee for obtaining a copy of EMS reports.

Request Report

Contact Us


Main Receptionist
(804) 501-4900

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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