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Youth & Family Case Management

Youth and Family Case Management is a service designed to achieve and maintain the stability of youth within the community by assessing their needs, linking them to needed services, coordinating with any involved service providers, and monitoring their overall progress. This can include collaborating with the school system when children are being evaluated for or receiving IEP services and/or advocating on behalf of the child and family within the community to find needed resources. Case Managers work hand in hand with internal providers such as Outpatient Therapists, Family Support Partners, Mentors, as well as external agencies.

Contact Us

Mental Health & Developmental Services

Main Office
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060

Access Services Call Center
(804) 727-8515
Main Office Phone
(804) 727-8500
Emergency Services (Mental Health)
(804) 727-8484

Developmental Services Intake Phone
Infant Toddler Connection
Billing information


Mailing Address
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060


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