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Henrico County Events

Juneteenth Block Party: Fairfield MS

Fairfield Middle School 5121 Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA

Come out and enjoy our carnival-themed Juneteenth Block Party. We will have a live DJ, a dunk tank, a bouncy house, and plenty of chances to win prizes. We will also have community resource vendors sharing information and concessions from Four Brothers and Elite Treats & Eats. Information: [email protected] Juneteenth Celebrations: Juneteenth Block Party: June […]

Firehouse 23 Community Meeting

Fairfield Middle School 5121 Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA

You’re invited to a community meeting with Varina Supervisor Tyrone Nelson regarding Eastgate/Newbridge Firehouse 23. Firehouse 23 is planned to be constructed on Nine Mile Road at Westover Avenue. Also invited is the Division of Fire, Department of General Services and Department of Planning. A question and answer period will  follow. Participate virtually via […]

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