Henrico County Events

Multilingual Family Listening Session

Western Henrico Adult Education Complex (Regency) 1420 North Parham Road, Henrico, VA, United States

What is a listening Session? Henrico County Public School, in partnership with Henrico's Outreach and Engagement Agency, wants to hear from you, the families of Henrico English learner students. We will have food, interpreters of multiple languages, childcare and guiding questions for us to get to know what our families need and how we can […]

Tuckahoe Talk

Western Henrico Adult Education Complex (Regency) 1420 North Parham Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Topics: Meet Jody Rogish and learn about Henrico Job Opportunities  Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Jody Rogish as he shares highlights about his life and his vision for the next four years on the Board of Supervisors. Also, staff from Henrico’s Department of Human Resources will discuss upcoming job opportunities and the county’s new public –service career […]

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