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Henrico County Events

Tuckahoe Town Meeting – Afternoon

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topic: Water, Refuse and Recycling  Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon and Director of Public Utilities Bentley Chan as they advise residents on the services provided by DPU and upcoming initiatives […]

Tuckahoe Town Meeting – Evening

Tuckahoe Area Library 1901 Starling Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

Topic: Water, Refuse and Recycling Join Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon and Director of Public Utilities Bentley Chan as they advise residents on the services provided by DPU and upcoming initiatives […]

Movie in the Park

Deep Run Park 9900 Ridgefield Pkwy, Henrico, VA

Join us in the park for the movie, An American Tail. This is a story of adventure as a young mouse named Fievel Mousekewitz and his family emigrate from Russia […]

Rabies Clinic

Henrico Western Government Center 4301 E. Parham Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Rabies vaccination is $15, cash only! Registration and payment are done first inside the Administration building at the Cashiers office. You will then proceed to veterinarian on the first level […]

Senior Party in the Park 2023

Eastern Henrico Recreation Center 1440 N. Laburnum Avenue, Henrico, VA, United States

Henrico Recreation and Parks, in collaboration with Senior Connections, and Henrico's Advocate for Aging will sponsor a Drive-thru Resource Fair for seniors. Seniors will receive information from county departments and […]

Sandston Parade 2023

Sandston Memorial Recreation Center 11 J B Finley Road, Sandston, VA, United States

*5/28 Update: The Sandston parade and block party are ON as scheduled. Any additional updates will be posted here and on our social media pages. Celebrate Memorial Day with a […]

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