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Henrico County Events

Family Fun Night

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Visit the game room at Belmont Recreation Center for some family fun! We've got hoops, foosball, air hockey, skeeball, life-size games and board games of all kinds! Children under 16 […]

Telluride Mountainfilm on Tour

Meadow Farm Museum at Crump Park 3400 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA, United States

Each year in Telluride, Colorado, Mountainfilm celebrates cultures unique to mountain communities with an international rendezvous of legendary mountaineers, environmentalists, filmmakers, authors, scientists, and artists. The mission of Mountainfilm is […]


National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Henrico County Training Center 7701 E. Parham Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Prescription drugs, when not properly disposed of, often find their way into the wrong hands, leading to accidental poisoning, overdose and abuse. Drop off your unused or expired prescription drugs during National Drug Take Back Day, October 23, 10 am-2 pm.

Falls Prevention Fall Festival

Eastern Henrico Recreation Center 1440 N. Laburnum Avenue, Henrico, VA, United States

Are you a Henrico County resident aged 60 or older? Do you want to learn more about how to prevent yourself from falling in your home? Come to our Falls […]

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Henrico Western Government Center 4301 E. Parham Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Board of Supervisors meetings can be viewed live from your computer, and all agendas and recording of meetings are archived. If you wish to speak at this Board meeting during […]

Board of Zoning Appeals

Henrico Western Government Center 4301 E. Parham Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Board Room - Public Hearing to review variances (i.e., setback requirements), and conditional use permits. Current Agenda

Crime Prevention Seminar Series


In recognition of October as both National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Crime Prevention Month, Henrico Police Community Services is hosting a Crime Prevention Seminar Series throughout the month, featuring a variety of crime-prevention and awareness topics. 

Old-School Country Line Dance

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Stop by Belmont Recreation Center for a night of good old, country line dancing. For ages 16+. Information: [email protected]

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