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Henrico County Events

Movie in the Park: Raya

Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Come out and watch a movie on the greens with family and friends! Bring a blanket and lawn chairs and enjoy Raya the Last Dragon. Movie will begin at dusk, […]

Soldiers’ Chorus of the U.S. Army Field Band

Henrico Theatre 305 E. Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA

The Soldiers’ Chorus of The United States Army Field Band brings “Let Freedom Sing,” a free concert celebration to Henrico Theatre. The concert will explore the heart of the American […]

Henrico Live: East of Hollywood

Henrico Theatre 305 E. Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA

Henrico Live Summer Series: East of Hollywood This high energy Rock band performs music covering many genres from Rock, R&B, Soul, Funk, Latin and Blues, from Allman Brothers Band, Steely […]


Movie in the Park: Finding Dory

Dorey Park 2999 Darbytown Road, Henrico, VA, United States

Join us at Dorey Park for an outdoor showing of the movie, Finding Dory. Bring a lawn chair, blanket, flashlight, and your family! Movie will be shown at the back […]

Movie in the Park: Lean on Me

Meadow Farm Museum at Crump Park 3400 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA, United States

*Location Change: Lean on Me is now showing at Meadow Farm Museum/Crump Park. (Updated 8/30/22) Join us for an outdoor showing of the film "Lean on Me." Movie will begin […]

Canceled Henrico Pops Chorus Concert

Henrico Theatre 305 E. Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA

*Canceled for Sept 13.* The Henrico Pops Chorus will present the concert, "Homeland." Join the chorus for an evening of inspiring, patriotic and fun music for the young and young […]

Salsa at Sunset

Deep Run Recreation Center 9910 Ridgefield Parkway, Henrico, VA, United States

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month we are celebrating with salsa night at Deep Run Park! Bring your whole family or a date for an evening of group instruction, food […]

Soulful Sunday 2022    

Eastern Henrico Recreation Center 1440 N. Laburnum Avenue, Henrico, VA, United States

Centering and Supporting Youth Voices and Choices            From their first arrival in 1619, Africans & African Americans have contributed to and shaped our nation's culture […]

Movie in the Park: Luca

Meadow Farm Museum at Crump Park 3400 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA, United States

Join us for an outdoor showing of Luca. Bring a lawn chair, blanket, flashlight, and your family. Movie will begin at 7:00 pm. Viewing will be on the field next […]

Canceled Movie Night: Luca    

Three Lakes Park & Nature Center 400 Sausiluta Drive, Henrico, VA, United States

*Sept 29 movie is cancelled due to weather conditions (wind).* We’re partnering with Johnson Elementary School PTA for a community movie night! Bring your family and friends for an outdoor […]

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