The Henrico County, Virginia Historical Data Book is a cumulative collection of historical data representing statistics as far back as 1790 through 2012. Each section provides a brief description and a listing of tables; footnotes and source detail are listed at the bottom of the page for each table.
In commemoration of Henrico County’s 400th anniversary in 2011, data was researched and collected within County departments and outside agencies from an assortment of published and departmental reports. We offer our appreciation to the contributors for their time and effort put forth thus far and in the future.
Table of Contents
- Section 1 Census
- Section 2 Education
- Section 3 Finance
- Section 4 County Government
- Section 5 Health Facilities
- Section 6 Land Use
- Section 7 Public Safety
- Section 8 Public Works and Public Utilities
Section 1 Census
The Census section contains data relating to population; age and sex; race and ethnicity; group quarters; housing; income and poverty; and employment dating back to 1610. Henrico County Historical Data Book, Section1, Census
- 1.01 County and State Population: 1610 to 2010
- 1.02 Age and Sex: 1790 to 2010
- 1.03 Race and Ethnicity: 1940 to 2010
- 1.04 Group Quarters: 1950 to 2010
- 1.05 Age of Housing: 1939 to 2010
- 1.06 Housing Units: 1890 to 2010
- 1.07 Income and Poverty: 1950 to 2010
- 1.08 Employment: 1940 to 2010
Section 2 Education
In September 1974, the J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Parham Road Campus opened in a newly constructed, contemporary building located on a 105-acre site in northern Henrico County. A second instructional building was completed on this suburban campus in time for the opening of classes in the fall of 1980. A new Library and Technology Center opened in the fall of 2008. A Workforce Training Center opened in the spring of 2011. Henrico County Historical Data Book, Section 2, Education
- 2.01 J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Student Enrollment: 1972 to 2012
- 2.02 J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Faculty: 1985 to 2012
Section 3 Finance
The Finance section contains data related to the County budget, revenues, tax rates, business license and vehicle revenues, real estate assessment data and inflation. Henrico County Historical Data Book, Section 3, Finance (PDF)
- 3.01 County Budget: 1934 to 2012
- 3.02 Revenues: 1934 to 2012
- 3.03 Tax Rates: 1949 to 2012
- 3.04 Business License and Vehicle Revenues: 1934 to 2012
- 3.05 Real Estate Assessment Data: 1934 to 2012
- 3.06 Inflation: 1934 to 2012
Section 4 County Government
This section provides information on past and present Board of Supervisors, County Managers, and Elected Officials. Also included is the number of registered voters, County employees, library, and recreation and parks facts. Henrico County Historical Data Book, Section 4, County Government
- 4.01 List of Board of Supervisors: 1870 to 2012
- 4.02 List of County Manager’s: 1934 to 2012
- 4.03 List of Elected Officials: 1967 to 2012
- 4.04 Number of Registered Voters: 1974 to 2012
- 4.05 County Employees Personnel Complement: 1934 to 2012
- 4.06 Library, Locations: 1970 to 2012
- 4.07 Library, Circulation: 1967 to 2012
- 4.08 Library, Cardholders: 1967 to 2012
- 4.09 Library, Holdings: 1967 to 2012
- 4.10 Recreation and Parks, Facilities and Properties: 1883 to 2012
Section 5 Health Facilities
The information in the Health Facilities section includes assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and from Bon Secours St. Mary’s hospital located within Henrico County. Historical data was not available from HCA Henrico Doctors’ Hospitals. Henrico County Historical Data Book, Section 5, Health Facilities
- 5.01 Assisted Living Facilities: 1981 to 2012
- 5.02 Nursing Homes: Active through July 2012
- 5.03 Hospital, Bon Secours Richmond Health System St. Mary’s Hospital, Timeline: 1961 to 2011
Section 6 Land Use
The Land Use section provides information on county and district size; types of land use; subdivisions and permit; existing banks, post offices, and hotels and motels; mining; and building permits. Henrico County Historical Data Book, Section 6, Land Use
- 6.01 County and District Size: 2012
- 6.02 Land Use: 1983 to 2012
- 6.03 Subdivisions and Permits: 1971 to 2012
- 6.04 Banks: 2012
- 6.05 Post Offices: 1954 to 2012
- 6.06 Hotels and Motels: 1952 to 2012
- 6.07 Coal Mining: 1761 to 1924
- 6.08 Mining and Minerals: 1976 to 2010
- 6.09 Building Permits: 1935 to 2012
- 6.10 Cell Towers: 1951 to 2012
Section 7 Public Safety
The Public Safety section includes data from Fire, Juvenile Detention, Sheriff, and Police. Henrico County Historical Data Book, Section 7, Public Safety
- 7.01 Fire, Station/Apparatus: 1941 – 2012
- 7.02 Fire, Response Statistics: 1986 to 2012
- 7.03 Fire, Chronological History: 1900 to 2012
- 7.04 Henrico Juvenile Detention Home: 1981 to 2012
- 7.05 James River Juvenile Detention Home: 2001 to 2012
- 7.06 Sheriff, Average Jail Population: 1989 to 2012
- 7.07 Police, Crime Summary: 1975 to 2012
Section 8 Public Works and Public Utilities
This section provides information on County and State road mileage; water and sewer miles of pipe and number of customers; and number of gas customers and miles of gas mains installed. Henrico County Historical Data Book, Section 8, Public Works and Public Utilities
- 8.01 Public Works: 1935 to 2012
- 8.02 Public Utilities: 1931 to 2012
- 8.03 Natural Gas: 1909 to 2010